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Everything posted by rekbender

  1. Is your problem solved? I had a sediment bowl filter on my '53 B4C a while back and never had a problem. Do you have the heat shield between the exhaust manifold and the pump? I also made an additional shield to help keep the metal line to the carb cooler. My problem was vapor lock. Hope this helps.
  2. Hi Neil, I had two engines apart tis winter. Both had factory brass freeze (core) plugs on each end of the block as well as the five plugs on the side. The brass plugs appeared to be original and were still in excellent shape. The steel plugs were rusty and seeping. I removed them anyway to clean the water jackets more thoroughly which were full of sediment. The bright steel cupped plug partially visible in the one picture provides access to the road draft tube chamber - also full of sludge. There is also one threaded plug with a hex socket on each end of the block for the main oil gallery.
  3. I went the other way - front sump to rear. As I remember, the cross over tubes were the same, but I still have the front sump tube. Good luck.
  4. If you need a front sump pick up tube and float, I have one. $30.00 + shipping.
  5. I think the T86-1A was the overdrive transmission used in 1936. It was a centrifugally actuated overdrive. This one came from a 1936 Desoto S1. I've seen it in Dodge, Desoto, and Chrysler for '36, and in ann ad for an export '36 Plymouth. It required a cable operated rear wheel parking brake set up to fit in the '36 frame. I think the T86-1P is a '37.
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