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Everything posted by OUTFXD

  1. Took my kid to a dr appointment. He took me out to dinner. By the time I got headed home it was well passed dark. I get out of the city onto a properly dark country road. and I get some jerk riding my tail with those bright white headlights on High Beam and his driving lights on. the glare in my rearview is so bright that I can barely see my instruments, much less the road ahead of me. But I can see the shadow of my car in the trees that line the road, from the light cast by his lights. "Maybe he doesnt realize his high beams are on" I think to my self. An on coming car rounds the bend in front of us and the guy following me dims his lights and turns off the road lights. Car passes us and the High beams come right back on. At this point I realize the guy is just being an A&^ and pull over , letting him bye. I think to myself how easy it would be to run up on his rear bumper and shine my spot through his rear window. I sit back in my seat and relax as his taillights disappear knowing that I am the better man.
  2. Well the bar fell out and I have apparently misplaced it. the little chrome bit on the dash just threads out. what are you wanting pics of?
  3. Jacquiline's windshield wiper knob has always been loose on the little metal bit that pokes up through the dash. Like REAL loose. Like would fall off if gravity wasnt holding it down loose. I bent the little metal tensioner that is inside the knob to try to add tension. but when I tried to put it on, the little metal bit pushed into the dash and fell completely through. Tried to put it back in, but there is nothing to hold it in place. like the only thing holding it there was resting atop the lever on the wiper motor. Am I missing something or is this the way it is supposed to be? 46 Plymouth Special Deluxe 218 CiD flathead six with a three speed manual transmission and a little low on air in the back driver side tire.
  4. was taped up between two other wires, which is why I didnt find it when I was looking at connections. Up graded it to 8g /w shrink wrapped connections.
  5. Perhaps the extra Power drain from the headlights prevents the starter Solenoid from reaching appropriate voltage to switch on and give power to the starter? Also. if you do replace the starter solenoid, be sure it is with a 6v solenoid. I went through three solenoids as the parts number kept being superseded with a parts number for a generic 12v solenoid, which wont work in a 6v system.
  6. Indeed! Jacquiline is like a portable car show. I have had a guy ask me to wait at a gas station so he could go home and get his classic (Pre 70s Chevelle). For the record, she is in way better condition than when I found her, and she will only continue to improve under my ownership. (If not on the way to a concourse restoration, that was never in the cards)
  7. I have thin gauge plastic and "tar rope" to use as a moisture barrier. but I am waiting till I have time and finances to remove the doors, strip and paint them in and out.
  8. Financial issues. I am broke in a big way. I already had the cards and sound deadener. just drop $7 for a plastic table cloth and my interior can pass as complete until I am in a better situation. This is a great idea! Thanks!
  9. The Door cards where ordered as new Items from Ecrater. I looked for a link, but the shop I bought from is no longer there.
  10. Got tired of looking at naked door cards but couldnt afford real upholstery, Wrapped the door card in a $7 wallmart tablecloth and wrapped the door handle in a shop towel.
  11. In my case, not a permanent solution, but one that looks better than a naked door until I can get real upholstery.
  12. Wrap your door card in your new fabric (In my case I used a $7 plastic table cloth from wallmart). again trim it with about 2" extra material. For a more permanent fix use spray adhesive to secure the material, Wrapping the extra material around the edge of the door card, cutting it to fit around clips and screws. Replace your door handle and window crank.
  13. Turn the door handle over, At the ends of the bottom of the handles will be a pair of philips head screws holding a metal plate down. Unfasten these screws and gently pry the plate out. Remove any remaining upholstery. Place on your new upholstery (In my case... a shop towel). Trim a little around the door handle... leaving about two inches extra material. Wrap the door handle in the upholstery, bunching up any extra along the bottom of the door handle. Replace the Plate and screw it down, The plate will pull the material tight and secure it in place. (Sadly I failed to get pictures of this last part)
  14. Cut away any old cloth and... duct tape... (Sadly the padding on my gunner side door handle did not survive this process)
  15. The door handles have seen better days.
  16. Now you have the holes precisely marked for cutting.
  17. A bit of spray paint on Connector holes. Window regulator holes. Door handle holes. etc etc
  18. Trim the sound deadening to fit the doorcard, Taping it to the card as you trim
  19. Cut off a chunk of sound deadening larger than the door card.
  20. Also, I have been sitting on this roll of sound deadening for nearly a year.
  21. Got tired of looking at bare door cards but my money is wrapped up in other things. Stopping me from affording real upholstry at the moment.
  22. Yup yup and yup!
  23. So. Winter is here and I am back to having to jump start every time. Once she is running, she runs fine. Turn her off and try to start her, Flat battery. I get 7v at the battery when running(With headlights on). Tells me the battery is dead. My buddy seems convinced that I am getting voltage but no amperage. Figured I would get some opinions here! All opinions/advice welcome! <edit> forgot to say. Took it to a parts hause and got the battery tested. the guy said the battery was "Still" good. which seemed like an odd way of putting it.
  24. Feeling better today. Remounted the coil (Was limiting Distributor rotation), Had her all back together and Timing dead nuts accurate in under an hour.
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