hey greg, thanks!
the forum has been recommended to me by several people, i have heard only good things, so i decided to sign up.
i am also in a german hot rod and oldstyle forum, but for most of the technical stuff i needed a different input.
currently i'm buying tons of literature, parts lists and shop manuals, to get into the construction. it's pretty easy most of it, that's what i had hoped.
i really like old stuff, not only cars and bikes, so i try to get originals.
the car's look will be preserved as it is, because that's why i bought it in the first place. i wanted a rusty looking car, that really has no rust at all.
the 40 has 78000miles on the count, i am the second owner. the wiring will be replaced completely, because i am afraid of fires:) , i bought erverything i need of rhode island wiring last week.
i also want to rebuild the axles (gonna need some good advise here, where to buy and what) and lower the car. really low if possible...
the rest remains stock, i want to ride!