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Everything posted by Hounddog

  1. I acually used the fiberboard I got a lowes for 11 dollars. The sheet was big enough to do all 4 door panels and I just got some black vinyl for about 25 dollars at the fabric shop used the original trim(although I like the look without the handles and put the trim on backwards) for the trim i used a small punch and punched holes in it and just poked through the fabric, it was pretty simple used very small tacks and adhesive spray stretched it out and pressed it on. Its not the best looking but its a lot better than it was. all in all the 4 doors cost me about 40 dollars and some time. I bet if you used thin foam inside it would look good also. Here is a couple pictures I still need to add the rubber on the bottom and add the screws up the side but its ok for now. All in all this was me and my g/f first door panel ever.
  2. Im new here and any questions i had about my 1946 4 door plymouth alot of people was quick to answer and help me on my way. I recommend highly a service manual. I used to reside in Groton ct, about 3 years ago... New england is very beautiful in the fall.
  3. Exhaust cut outs are very boss
  4. Welcome Fred! The guys around here have all kinds of knowledge and if has a flathead in it this is the place for answers!
  5. I know that most of these words are gone or going from todays youths but Growing up out in the country outside a small town of galena we used quite a bit of the words I think alot of country folk still do that I know I still say supper even if people look at me wierd.
  6. Nice to hear its getting above freezing finally....We just had to take shelter 3 times at work because of tornados touching down around us..gotta love oklahoma weather!
  7. Wow I was reading the diagram as looking at the car so i think i have everything wired backwards? I had the bottom left to the horns and etc... When I get off work Im going straight home to hook it up the other way.. wow I cant believe I missed that I feel pretty stupid at the moment..
  8. Sorry ya I meant relay...I've called around several auto parts stores but nothing.. There is a classic auto parts store down the road but they only carry Ford and Chevy parts didnt know if anything they had would work
  9. I turn 30 in april and my son tells me im old all the time. Good news is my girl turns 30 36 days before I do so I get to give her a good ribbing for a little over a month!
  10. Well I have hooked everything up and nothing. I took the horn back off and manually touched the wire to ground it and nothing. I ran a wire off of the battery and touched the horn connector and they both work great. I notice on the post of the regulator it says batt, ground, horn and ign on it. I guess I need to grab the multimeter and test the regulator to see if it is any good. If it doesnt test good anyone have an idea of where I get get a new regulator?
  11. Yea OKC isnt that bad for a Big City as we called it growing up in Galena. Lots to do but also short drive to the middle of nowhere.
  12. Sorry the wire was inside the column and the lower hole was caked in grease and dirt ran my finger around until i felt a divot and just cleaned it out and ran the new wiring back up through the column. Sorry sometimes the most obvious questions arent as obvious to some of us. I appreciate the guys here putting up with my rookie questions thank you very much
  13. Thanks for the help before I hook everything up maybe I should make sure the horn acually works. One other question is there a original yellow these cars came with for paint?
  14. I pretty much think thats true, the wire came out of the middle with a connector on the end but I cant seem to find where it comes out in the engine compartment.
  15. Almost completely rewired the car but I have a question about the horn. It didnt work and while taking off the button and the spring the middle wire came out. I have no idea where this wire comes out so i can hook the horn up. Does anyone have an idea where the horn connector comes out of the steering column on a 1946 plymouth? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hey bob, Glad to see someone else from Joplin, I was born there raised in Galena and now reside in OKC... Maybe next time I go see the family i can see your car.
  17. Here is a link to the drive in in okc. If you notice in the rules you MUST keep your alcohol in the vehicle at all times! http://www.winchesterdrive-in.com/movies.htm
  18. Its nice to know its still in business, maybe when I drive up to see the family again the car will be finished..well not finished but driveable and Ill stop in and see a movie again. I know they still have a nice drive-in here in oklahoma city that I went to several times last year... for 5 bucks apeice its a great deal to get in and they show 3 movies on the weekend...cant beat that.
  19. My dad lives right outside carthage of course carthage is just a hop jump and skip away from joplin and in turn also galena. I know we used to go to the drive-in when i was a kid but thats been about 20 years ago.. so who knows.
  20. I've always used electrical contact cleaner.. It takes moderate grease off well and dirt and a plus is it evaporates rather quickly
  21. Well I'm pretty sure there are only 2 but I could be wrong.. I dont know how big Galena ill is but Galena kansas never was very big...but then again they built a huge casino over near the I-44 so I guess we will see how big it gets....I cant imagine it getting any bigger though. Ive never drove any of 66 unless you count driving home from work in Joplin to baxter springs to go fishing..
  22. I want to thank everyone for helping me out...I'll start to catch on the more I work with it..
  23. Here is me and my girlfriend. The dressed up pic is us going to a friends wedding and the other is at the Kansas/Oklahoma football game.. Im a huge Kansas fan she is a Huge Oklahoma fan......Im still trying to convert her over to my side..HA!! Micah
  24. So when I replace those filaments one wire will still go to the post but the other to the turn signal. The back lights are duel filaments already so I wonder if they started to update the car but never finished?
  25. Just a question probably easy answer just the answer is escaping me....On the turn signals I see on the diagram that there are two wires coming off the fender lights but on mine I only have one wire and that goes to the midle post on the lights. It shows the other wire going to the terminal block which i believe i have by the solinoid but not sure as no wires were ran to it. If there is two wires coming off the fender how will i wire that? and does anyone have a picture of what the turn signal looks like on the column? Thanks in advance for anyhelp.
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