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About Larkin.19

  • Birthday 07/31/2002

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  • Biography
    Highschool student
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Santa Rosa, CA
  • My Project Cars
    1940 Dodge D14 De Luxe


  • Location
    Santa Rosa, CA
  • Interests
    Biking, Hockey, Cars

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  1. I went on Oldmoparts.com and Andy has a pump on there listed but im not sure if its right. Where can I get an AC588?
  2. My fuel pump has gone bad on my L head. Anyone know of the correct model or a good replacement? My current one doesnt have a bowl but is clearly aftermarket. 1940 D14 with the flathead 6.
  3. Replaced the brake cylinder in the rear passenger tire and now shes driving just fine! we got someone to tune her to her peak performance and now she runs and drives without choking! love this car

  4. Did the drum puller But it was one from orielly’s. Looking for a lug mounted drum puller, released the adjusters, and used heat to loosen it. No movement.
  5. I did do that but its still stuck
  6. Hey guys! I tried using a drum puller but it was too small. I need to pull my drum cover off in order to replace my brake cylinder. Any tips? Thanks!
  7. Dotty is officially running! I will attach a link to a YouTube video that I posted. I do not know what type of brake fluid she uses though, anyone know? Click here to watch the video
  8. My fuel pump is fine, but the problem is no spark. Currently replacing points, rotor, distributor cap and condenser.
  9. My harness is from rhode island wiring, and they did it stock. everything is connected tightly. I ordered a new distributor kit from oldmoparts and it came yesterday and i will install it soon. My engine turns over just fine and ignition is good. Im thinking it the points or the coil.
  10. Hey guys, I know it has been awhile. I've done some electrical work to my D14. Dotty now has new plates and I've replaced the engine and dashboard wiring harness with one from Rhode Island Wiring. One problem though: still no spark. I was thinking maybe the distributor points or the coil might be the problem. I was wondering if you guys had any ideas? Also, my high school requires seniors to complete a senior project, and I have chosen to make Dotty my project!
  11. The wiring harness came for Dotty! Going to install it Thursday.

  12. Yeah I broke the left studs without knowing they were opposite. Ordered new ones though now that we know!
  13. Hi Andy, there hasn't been much progress since I broke the lug studs off of the driver side wheel. Ordered new ones but they were the incorrect ones. Waiting for the correct ones to arrive in the mail. I took out the radiator and flushed it clean, with no leaks! Also ordered a new wiring harness from Rhode Island Wiring and that is taking 5-6 weeks to be built. The fuel tank was removed and also flushed with gas to clean it. Things are pretty slow since I got my job, but I'm making the money needed for her!
  14. hey guys, I was wondering if you guys knew where to get a replacement radio for my '40 d14 deluxe? the part number is 830843.
  15. What I meant by punching them out was using a punch and metal mallet hammer to drive them out the back of the hub. I was thinking that these might be some off-brand ones that aren't made anymore. I'll post a picture later when I can
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