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About P15Mike

  • Birthday 10/20/1969

Profile Information

  • My Project Cars
    1947 plymouth , 1989 mustang 5.0

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    1947 Plymouth 4dr Sedan Special Deluxe
  • Occupation
    Insurance appraiser


  • Location
    Hagerstown ,Maryland / 47 ply 4dr P15
  • Interests
    Playin with my old cars . Collecting tv series comic books from the 50's and 60's .

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  1. I havent had to install a harness so i cant help you much with that end of it . I know a few who have used Rhode Island Wiring for their source of wiring . I believe you can purchase a whole dash/engine harness already "pre-made" in factory colors/design . Hope this helps .. good luck !
  2. Mine was rusted about the same . I called Owen's Salvage in Texas and had them cut a section out and had it shipped ( around 200 or so i believe ). Very easy to deal with , they even emailed me pics showing their intended cut to ensure i was getting enough metal that i needed . Good luck
  3. Nice looking ride you have there . Polish her up a bit and enjoy the ride !
  4. So it can end up on Ebay next week for 250.00 ??
  5. Bob , My Father went through the same ordeal in 1991 at the age of 44 with throat cancer . He's 65 now and doing well . So hang tough and the 40' will be waitin on ya . Best wishes to you and your family .
  6. Why dont you try pricing your parts out simply by using the internet for pricing . For the belts/hoses/battery etc , just go to Napa . Maybe for your harness why re-wire ? Try using someone like Rhode Island Wiring for pricing , you would probably end up happier in the long run anyway as would be more period correct , just grab some screen shots im sure that would suffice . As far as your quote for the labor ( 1300.00 ) that would seem fine if that was for mechanical labor only as most mech labor rates are in the 75 - 100 area . Most shops i've dealt with as far as labor goes your probably in the 8 - 10 hrs just for the harness not incl the other under hood items belts etc . Keep in mind very few ins co's have specialized antique appraisers so the guy may not have ever looked at a car 60's let alone the 50's.If these suggestions dont strike your fancy try using a independent appraisal co as they would give you a fair 3rd party accessment , as the shops estimate ....we'll im sure if they could would be on the opposite scale of the ins co . Good luck with your situation !
  7. Oops ... Yup ... forgot to mention they're 15's . Not sure if shipping would be the way to go . Maybe call around to some of the older local boneyards to see what might be out there .
  8. Where are you located , i have a set of 4 that came off a 48 p-15 . Mike
  9. I think everything has already been said , wish you and your family the best , glad to hear you guys pulled through it ok . Mike
  10. Chris , best wishes to you and your mother in these difficult times , sounds like things are looking up ! Mike
  11. Congrad's your a 1/4 of the way there
  12. I guess i'm a little late on this this thread ... i'm 41 years old still acting like i'm 18 . I've been around cars my whole life and always wanted a p-15 since dad had one when i was a little . Dad has a pic of me standing in the engine comp w/the hood off scubbing the grease/oil off the firewall etc on his p-15 when i was 8 y/o . Haven't been on here much recently due to work , but hope all are doing well . P.s For those interested got my screen name from all my buddies calling me an ol'man after i got the p-15 ..jealous...
  13. It was great meeting up with you guys , it was really a pleasure . The undertaking you guys took for that cross country trip really needs to be put in print in some publication . I think i can speak for most , that was something we all would love to accomplish or at least have the "cohonies" to attempt . Again it was great meeting up with you guys and wish you nothing but the best on your spring return trip . Mike
  14. I will say there seem's to be more younger folks than i thought on here ... Good to see , i sometimes wonder what's going to happen to these ol'girls once we've all moved on ...... Mike
  15. I'll be 41 in october ... man how time flies . This is my first older car and enjoying the heck out of it . Mike
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