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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. I agree Merle, should be able to cruise nicely, and even in 5thOD, without strong headwinds or steep hills. My truck has 3.23 gears, now if I shift into 4th direct drive at too low an RPM, and if there is a good headwind, it gets doggy, but once powerband catches up, no problem. I do not think the 3.23 gears are necessarily the best range for these engines, especially tired engines. I would never need an overdrive trans, good rebuilt engine, with a little trick work would no doubt make a difference. I do have the 318, but no immediate plans to swap....
  2. Hmmm, yes perhaps your truck is heavier than my 3000 lb swb 1/2 ton, the big Chrysler and Desotos are in the 3600 lb range. What gear ratio is in your diff? I would think anything below 3.55 would or could create problems in 5th OD, would be be better with 3.73 s.....at any rate good luck, look forward to your results with an intake and exhaust change BTW which engine do you have 218,228 or 251?
  3. 1 other thing 4mula, been doing some reading, seems a lot of those who own 46-48 Chryslers/Desotos, with the 251 or 237, are cruising very well, with all stock performance. 65-70 mph, and doing 60 mph very comfortably, even short bursts to 75 mph. These cars are fairly heavy, but not wickedly so, watched jay leno drive his 41 Plymouth down the freeway @65 mph, with a 201 ci, 85 hp flattie. Now I know you need more power, for the truck, but what is going on, I would like to think your rebuilt flattie with a T5 trans should drive 110 kph all day long at about 2200 rpm. Is your present set up, right out of this engines power band, does it accelerate well to speed in all 5 gears, how is it when you down shift to 4th on the highway, do you then have a lot of zoom. How much does your truck weigh? I would think more than mine, mine is a very light vehicle, that is for sure....Just asking these ?s in curiosity..
  4. You can also check with Tim Kingsbury and George Asche, AoK racing products. They do have a cast intake, and can make you a dual intake from your intake manifold, he can split the exhaust too. Manifolds by Moose would /should be good too.....
  5. An interesting read for you, http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/possible-drivetrain-swap-1948-plymouth-4-door-sedan.828364/ Here look at Tim Kingsbury 265 powered 49 plym,
  6. Not a problem, maybe try the search feature to see what threads are listed for a V8 swap. AS mentioned by Bob T, try the HAMB forum, do a search, message or ask Guys like Hotrodprimer, Pork and Beaner, and a number of others. SBC, why not, your car, your money, your decision. I would like to see a Ford 300 6 installed in a P 15, but no doubt it is pretty long for a n uncut fit.....good luck
  7. Yes you can, contact Tim Kingsbury (Member), your engine is Canadian built in Windsor Ontario. Tim has the books and know-how to assist you. I would also ask him about your engine and using 265 cranks and rods, which do work in all Canuck long blocks...Good Luck
  8. Contact Norm @ Mid Canada Parts 1-204-475-3399, he specializes in Vintage Mopar in Canada.
  9. Those Edgy heads are pricey, and other than the kool factor, you don't need it. Certain heads, with specific CC chamber size, and and shaving will help you out. I do understand though the logic of having a more powerful V8 get in and go, easier to get parts in a pinch , keep up better with the big dogs etc.
  10. yup makes sense, how heavy is your truck? Mine is very light around 3000 lbs. If anywhere we in the Winnipeg, and Interlake have it quite humd, and yes we get a bit of hot weather, but it ain't nothing like Oklahoma, Missouri, or the Old South, they be getting 95-100f and humidex of 110.I would prefer cooler at say 22-24, over that slimy heat....
  11. Thats not necessarily true in this case at all, you get better efficient and atomized fuel to all 3 intake ports. If you are interested in finding out more on this topic, you really need to talk with folks like Tim Kingsbury or George Asche, and a number of others on the car side. Hot weather, come on Shane, this is Canada, and while it is good and warm, it ain't nothing like the south in summer, heck Alberta is not that hot at all IMHO.but a long drive in an old truck in the heat may have it's negatives. What are the southern folks doing, granted most are not driving huge long distances, but some are, even Don Coatney was driving 700 miles a day at speeds to 75 mph, same transmission as yours. 318, yup have 1 on my garage floor, and it is Mopar, need a trans and whole lot more before it could be swapped in, but I am still no where near convinced I want to do this yet. I have a Hemi Ram, for comfort high speed travel, when need be. I have certainly not ruled out building my 251, that with the speed items is far cooler than any Chevy crate motor going. But again it's your truck, and you have the right to have it anyway you want to have it. Dollar exchange, yup, not good at the moment, buying from Jegs will verify that.
  12. what are you talking about, no headers or split exhaust well there is Charlie Akers, Tim kingsbury/george Asche who are AoK racing, they have a beautiful cast 3 carb intake, split exhausts, they can make you a dual intake carb intake too.There prices are quite reasonable. With a shaved head, and a little more lift and duration from the cam(not a stock profile). Dragging the truck on the trailer, how come so many others drive there modified flatheads all over on highways and have no problem, with your T5 trans I thought that should be doable. I think going to a SBC is okay, just another amongst the masses at Manitoba car shows. You will have more HP, will no doubt cruise a whole lot faster too. I would forget that carb adaptor, you end up with the same size hole in the intake as a B&B 1bbl. What engine do you have ? The 98 hp long block 218? A 251 or 265 tricked out a bit would be a whole lot different. Here look at this,
  13. Yes 20hp added to a 110 hp engine would be noticeable, and yes a little more hp can be had, to a point and within reason. To be honest, if I need power, I have an off-topic Ram truck with a 395 hp 5.7 litre hemi engine, that cures my thirst for any power...
  14. I agree Jeff, infact with the right recipe, you could get another 25-30 hp on the smaller engines and maybe another 50 hp on a 265 very simply, and still be streetable. I would think a rebuilt 251 or 265, with an increase of 30-40 hp, would be a very nice boost. Having said this, some would say, heck, I can use a 360, and have 250 hp, and it won't be a ton of money. I have the 318 engine, its a smog motor, and maybe I can do a few things and get 180-200 hp, that would be plenty with my light little truck...
  15. Hmmm, kinda my thinking to, but your engine is rebuilt, correct. Why not hop it up, not that cheap, but a shaved head, cam grind, dual or tri intake and split exhaust, that would liven things up. Your truck is light so a 200 hp V8 would be night and day, SBC ? very doable
  16. Interesting thoughts on the t/stat, I will stick with mine, the very least would mabe use a flow restictor to slow the flow a bit. Anyway, I will ask this ? one more time. Does anyone have pics of a B series or C series truck with an aftermarket Champion radiator installed? If so please post wioth pics...
  17. Don, a lot of these rads are still in use and doing fine, not that what you are suggesting is bad. Copper and brass, are a far superior heat transfer than aluminum, but aluminum rads have larger passage, and are welded with similar metals, not such with copper and solders. While I see nothing wrong with your approach, many of the older rads were built with quality materials, and some are in very good shape, so do not see why he should not have it cleaned, with a boiling or something similar.
  18. Hello, sounds like still some restriction going on in your cooling system, whether it be clogged passage n the water jackets, or the water tube is partially plugged or is corroded off deep in the block. The rad, hmm, still could be a problem, even if it has been flushed and is flowing okay. While I do agree, if you have 4.11 gears and you are driving the ole girl hard over 55 mph, higher RPM, higher crankshaft load, equals a lot more heat, that is a given, yes an Overdrive or a set of 3.55 gears would lower your RPM at higher speeeds thus allowing your engine to run somewhat cooler, but does it solve your problem. I have not read all the posts on here yet, but do you suspect any issue of your lower rad hose collapsing at higher RPM restricting flow? I would pull frost plugs and water tube, and mechanically rod out and flush all the crud out. You could then button the whole thing up, and run straight water with Electrosol dishwasher detergent, for a good 50 mile run, drain and refill with water, run then flush, add coolant. That recipe was employed and used by Lou Earle from Georgia and has hrlped clean up a few old flathead 6s for him, I have also done this with success. Good luck, and keep us posted
  19. Interesting, in my experience, have not come across any flattie engine without a t/stat, maybe your experience has been otherwise. My truck engine runs a nice 165-175, on 80-90 degree days it will generally hold at 180 tops, unless idling in traffic or something. I run a 160 t/stat with 50/50 coolant.....
  20. only kidding on you "breaking things", just a fact of life driving old tin. I hear you on some of the cookie cutter parts for other brands, no such luck with our trucks, if it were I would have had a brand new direct $200 rad already installed. I will look at the possibility of a recore, 1 reputable old shop did quote $469, given the price of copper/brass, that doesn't sound so bad.....
  21. What is with you and that Truck, your breaking things all the time, just a string of setbacks, no biggie, just get back on the ole horse. Rads, recores with 60 years old tanks, hmm, and it is not cheap, and is still an option worth considering. The champions are cheap enough, have lifetime warranties, and may very well be throw away rads, if they go bad after a number of years. Having a rad custom built is big money, I would say a $1000. Will know very soon which direction this is going, I kinds like the idea of the aluminum rad, think a 2 row would cool this engine just fine and better than my old stock rad...
  22. Uh, well got my Head bent around that Tim, duh didn't know you was referring to V configured engine..
  23. Thanx again Tim, sorry there are no suppliers closer to home, other than a few of the rad shops left who still do recores, but that has gotten expensive. Oh yes the 318 swap, well someday, kids in college, other expenses that will be on hold for a little while, but not too many years, I know you enjoy the build process, but do not want it to take as long as some of your projects. I do look forward to seeing them once you have them all finished. I have done all the measuremens, and have landed on 1 Champion rad that will work with either engine, the inlet is 1 3/4 for the 6 and 1 1/2 for the LA engine, but can work that out when the time comes. I have a few external trans coolers, so do not need a rad with a built in cooler. This claim is in process, so will take the time to bring them the rad for a look, then will see what happens. look forward to seeing the completion of your Coupe, gonna be nice once you get it finished....BTW the LA engine does not require an offset in a C series pickup, is this the bent engine is what you are referring to?
  24. Thanx for the advice Tim, not sure exactly what to do, can you suggest what I should be doing here. That's why I have made the posts, to see if good folks like you and Don may have a good idea on which rad and supplier for my truck....anyways thanx again Tim
  25. I can take this from you Don, as I now the Spitfire Head is still on your mind, so you can relate to the indesciveness.....LOL who you Pooin on Actually our public insurance corp, is the entity that needs to $hit or get off the pot, once I am told they will not honor this claim, then I will order a Champion rad, and make the retrofit. Don the rad you bought, is a very simple install, on mine they are not direct fits, so some bracket changes will need to be worked out. Thanx for your concern..BTW do you happen to know of anyone who has installed a Champion rad into a C series pickup?
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