These old cars, are far from speed demons, no matter how much we might think different in our "minds"....LOL
Infact they can be quite neck resting slow, oh yah they will keep up, and in the city, light to light.
But they are not anything about performance, not saying it can't be done to the Chrysler flathead, but it will not be in stock form.
I sometimes, get annoyed with my truck, and it;s limitations speed wise, acceleration to speed wise, but got to remember its a 62 year old truck, running with near 80 year old technology.
The Ford flathead V8 aint any better in stock form, and develops it's peak torque much higher in the RPM band, the Chevrolet Stovebolt 6s especially the 216 splasher, does not tolerate what a Chrysler flathead 6 will.....