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Everything posted by kfxinsd007

  1. Cool Idea
  2. greg g Sent you a link to photos in the members section thru private message
  3. Welcome aboard - old cars are fun
  4. Too answer you question - The Perfect car -In my opinion: I have not been a member of this site as long as others as you can tell by my profile but I have found out alot about the era; before my time by the way; that my perfect car came from, and with that information I have kept it rolling along to this day. It is not a daily driver as some people in this site have - and I am very jelious of them at times. The History of the machine is the perfection of it. Everyone of them tells a different story and here is mine. Originaly purchased for total of $ 2,880.00 in Jan 1949 by my grandparents, the first and only car they ever bought and drove.They are past on now for some time cruising down the great road beyond. The car now has 43,000 original miles on it and has never been redone - One fresh coat of matching paint due to fading - is the only thing that I would consider major has been done. I take it to local car shows around South Dakota and have alot of fun explaining the history and ever learning the information from the people that used them every day as we do today with our own cars. Going to work, school, movies, stores etc. my point here is this site is a great place for me - for knowledge, experience, insight, vision and more. I have never had a problem with anyone here and hope I never will but to make it short every picture, question, OT's jokes, etc is more information that I will ever have have learned from some dusty old book. I thank all of the Members for the information and hope that the Perfect Car can be seen by each and everyone of us - Because, in my opinion, We all own one - or for some of you lucky ones - More than One. Thank You All
  5. Found My Answer - Thanks http://www.yearone.com/updatedsinglepages/Id_info/mopar/mopar%20casting%20numbers/castingnumbers.html
  6. Fellow Members, I have wondered what the indicator on the side of the block that almost resembles a clock. Has dots and a pointer. I have looked through various photos that some of you have posted and notice different number of dots and the pointer is in various locations. I had experienced this question at a car show last year and checked my block verses another gentleman and found they were different in the same year - He asked me what it was for and i did not know. Anybody have the answer? Thanks
  7. Purchased New in 1948 by my Grandparents. Still in my family - Father is current Owner. Im the mechanic - Someday future Owner. Attached is Pic - 43,801 - Original
  8. Original Miles since Grand parents bought new in Jan. 1949
  9. Thanks Tim - at least someone appreciates some patience and skill verses a spray can. the hell if you can see the strokes - 2 coates
  10. Did mine - still on the car small brush and some tape.
  11. I left the original sockets in on my 48 - bought a socket pigtail for the conversion to turnsignals and used a new 6v bulb. the pins on the bulb do not line up with both sides of the notch in the socket but it does flex enough for the bulb. just finished the whole conversion a couple of weeks ago, If I would have been thinking I should have documented the whole process via digital pictures and posted it to the electrical section of the site - my be next time.
  12. Way to go - mine looked the same - Not all that much work though. Congrats Smokem if you gotem
  13. Boy i can relate to you Arthur - Put the car on a dolly one day to go to a show in a neighboring town - right rear locked up - after a cool down period and a trailer change to get her back to town (after 2nd place in the show) tried to remove the drum as everyone else before me said in this tread. Did not have a hammer puller pictured earlier but had a similar type of puller so i rand the studs thru the puller into the hub and started tightening down on the end of the axle with a massive breaker bar and nothing. So my father said "put a cousin on it" so he goes and gets a 3 ft piece of pipe put it on the end and while my head was near the hub - Bang - Shotgun blast to the good old eardrum - after 20 or 30 minutes i could hear again. But the hub did come off. Good Luck
  14. So you were the one who probably out bid me by a little old $1
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