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Everything posted by JIPJOBXX

  1. Good guy car show represent to me one of the biggest rips oft in the car showing business! I think this year it was almost 40 dollars to show oft your car! I call them the bad guys car sow! We have plenty of free shows here where the folks who put on the shows feed us! I will not pay more than 10 dollars to show oft my car as Ifeel like other folks here's don't-We are the show! I do enjoy talking to folks about my old Dodge and always when a young child wants to get in and sit behind that big old steering wheel of course it yes! I now in my heart that those kids love to pretend that they are driving in another time! And of course the old milking machine adapted the crowds that never heard of a cow being milked by a car! Jon
  2. I spied a 40 Plymouth Town sedan over in Port Orchard last week owners want 11,000 for it! Needed restoration.
  3. I replaced this fender with a new old stock one and if anyone wants it? Come get it or pay a few dollars to have it shipped. Of course it needs some repair but it's salvageable. Jon
  4. Just notice the breaks were a little to tight. So just haft to adjust them. I feel as though I could do this blind folded.
  5. The bumpers were stock piled befor th War and yes they were Crome plated. I just could not see spending another thousand dollars to have mine plated. So hence I painted the bumpers. Jon
  6. Car show yesterday in Port Orchard Washington. I won a fifty dollar prise but not for my car but for entrance ticket! Not bad and had a fun day with my old Dodge! Breaks are to tight now but a fellow friend stated I could just burn them in but I think I will just reduce the major adjustment. Jon
  7. It sounds like it might be your coil! I had the same problem. To test this just start up engine and let it idle till it stops. Take cub s of ice and secure around coil and let it sit for a few minutes. If it starts right up then it's probably a bad coil. Coils are a cheap fix and easy to change out.
  8. I appreciate any and all information given on this forium but also as I do not use this site that often I kind of feel like a duck out of water. Some of my questions are simple and others maybe a little bit more complicated. So being said Somerimes I feel like I'm being intemadated for not knowing how to use this with all its feature and in's and out's! It would nice if everyone got in the same boat and was thoughtful about what demeaning words were spoken here. Jon
  9. Any tricks or suggestions how to hand paint or spray paint letters on hub caps?
  10. Looking for information on installing 6 volt fuel pump on my old Dodge. Any and all info appreciated. Got one thing in particular to ask? The reason I'm installing this pump as when I start my car if it has sat for more than two weeks I alway haft to prime the carberator. This is not a hard job but it requires me to open up the hood and take oft the top of the air filter. Now my question on these inline pumps can you turn them oft when adiquate gas is in carberator and the mechanical fuel pump takes over and still get fuell flow to the carb? Thanks Jon
  11. It sure would nice if someone here could draw up a field sketch for how to install a switch to show when the hand brake is in the brake lock position. I have also left my hand brake on a with a fluid drive car it is easy to do. I have seen a device that hat was being sold as an accessory for Chrysler cars but cannot locate any now. Jon
  12. Just want to install a six volt fuel pump to assist fuel getting to carberator when starting up! Where to locate pump in fuel system and where to mount on oft switch. I can start up car but it seems to take forever for fuel to get to Carberatorp after a few weeks of not running.
  13. Simple way to emergency brake band on fluid drive transmission? I adjusted mine but it might be to tight what do I look for if it's to tight? The. Instructions state .005 clearenc on band to drum but the band floats on the shaft hub brakeing service and so this adjustmemt is a little confusing. The car wholes great on a hill and releases just fine. Notice over the 75 years that maybe the return spring under the car has two springs attached together and wondered if this is normal? By this I mean one is attached to the other to make it longer. Jon.
  14. I just took the guts out of the old coil and installed a regular six volt in the old housing. I have the hot lead from the coming out an access hole on the firewall and attached that to the new coil. It fit tight and it only cost about twenty dollars instead of 75 dollars or so. Works great and no body me know that it not the original style coil.
  15. I may not have a hurst but I do have this great old LP!
  16. Yea! After fiddling around with my friends Ammco 1750 Brake adjusting tool the front brakes work great! I gogle the tool for instruction and all the info I needed was there. Got a little bit of brake bleeding to do and this lone draw out brake issue should be completed. So thanks for all the help and down the road I will go and where I stop who knows!
  17. I vaguely recall it was about .015 or so? Funny a good friend of mine just found one of Ammaco tools and he didn't know what it was for? Anyway he doesn't want to sell it but just play around with it on my Dodge.
  18. I used it a few years ago and just wanted to get the proper heal and toe setting from the instruction pamphlet.
  19. Confused on how to locate instruction? I'm no Bill s Gate when it comes to this site just need simple help.
  20. Just need simple instructions on how to use this tool for adjusting my brak shoes.  I made up a device a few years ago to by pass the use of the ammaco  brake  tool 1750 but would like to use a friends tool to check my previous adjustments.  Thanks Jon

  21. Does anyone here have the instructions for using this divide?
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