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21 Excellent

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Madison, WI
  • My Project Cars
    1951 DeSoto, 1973 Corvette, 1979 Minnie Winnie

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  • Biography
    US Navy
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  • Location
    Cross Plains, WI
  • Interests
    Nascar, baseball

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  1. Did DeSoto ever build any Business Coupes?
  2. Tell me about Business Coupes. What part was the Business part? Did a salesman travel around selling cars? or selling Fuller brushes? or vacuums?
  3. Thanks all
  4. Battery seems fine - I tried the headlights
  5. 51 DeSoto - all original Installed a new six volt battery - fully charged It turned over for just a second Engine fired for a second and then quit. Now alI I get is click click click Always ran great
  6. My 1951 DeSoto S15-2 has two original bumper stickers, one says: Berning Garage Inc. Dodge Reedsburg, WI The other one says: POPE BARABOO I bought the car 35 years ago from someone in Reedsburg.
  7. Does it have a grease fitting or a sealed bearing?
  8. Pretty sure you should only use Dot 3.
  9. BobDeSoto


    I have a 12V Jump Pack. Can I use it to start my 6V car?
  10. I flew yesterday. Luckily I learned how to open and close a seat belt!
  11. So, what is a Deluxe vs Custom Coupe?
  12. The car is in very good original condition but there had been a slight amount of body work on the right front. Trim is broken that wraps around the fender to the blinker, minor scrapes on the bumper and the headlights don't match. The car had less then 50,000 miles on it when I bought it and everything does look "factory fresh". This "scrape" has always been evident since I bought it, but you could be right. Cigarettes in the ash tray had lipstick on them.
  13. BobDeSoto


    I have a 1951 2door hard top DeSoto. I always thought it was a Custom Coupe. Now I see there are trims on the front fenders that say DeLuxe. I bought the car in 1989! What else don't I know?
  14. Hood release cables?
  15. Smoke was blue. Outside temp was 72
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