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Floor Shift Concepts for Mopar Column Shift Transmission - Part 2


Hello folks -   


Back in 2017  I started a thread on  floor shift concepts.  It kicked off with Paul Flaming   @pflaming  who had made a shifter

for a straight 3 speed.   He was planning to work on a version for an overdrive and got a prototype which was a 2 shifter concept.


The other one was Ron Allworth's who  had made one for a buddy.  He had gave consideration to try and make production versions but the demand wasnt there,  a lot of people were really hoping for something for the r10g1 Overdrive version and to be honest Ron is

always swamped with CoolViewThermostat.com


Your can always check out that original blog and comments through this link. 



Recently the thread drew some revised interest and I decided to  circle back with Paul and Ron to see if they had done anything further.     While neither really have  Ron Allworth was so kind to forward his original hand drawing he made when he was making the shifter for his buddy.  He said - "I think this is pretty much all someone would need to reproduce what I did.  Feel free to post the drawings, but unfortunately  I just don't have time to help anyone if they decide to build one"...  "i know as previous comments, it's somewhat over engineered but you can be as hard on it as you want when you shift and it wont break."


With that   -  here is Ron's  sketches   The shift pattern is standard, reverse is left and forward, 1st is left and back. 2nd is straight forward and 3rd is straight back.


Oh and if you want to check our Ron's other cool stuff here is a link for that 


Cool-View: Transparent Thermostat Housing (coolviewthermostat.com)


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His final product





Finally, if you make one based on Ron's design,  please post up some pictures on the thread below!




Edited by timkingsbury


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With that   feel free folks,  if you have a floor shift concept that works for a straight 3 speed or a r10g1 overdrive (That came in the 1952-56  Plymouth that are so popular from the 1939 -  1956 cars)  post away!

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In the past I toyed with the floor shifter. The design shown will not work on an R 10 overdrive transmission. What I wanted was for an R 10. My last attempt exists but is not tricked out and has not been road tested. I’m fighting old age and lyme infection so not pursuing much these days. 


It is an interesting study though.  

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21 hours ago, pflaming said:

In the past I toyed with the floor shifter. The design shown will not work on an R 10 overdrive transmission. What I wanted was for an R 10. My last attempt exists but is not tricked out and has not been road tested. I’m fighting old age and lyme infection so not pursuing much these days. 


It is an interesting study though.  


So sorry to hear about your health issues. That's tough .


You are right, as is will only work for the straight 3 speed. It would be great to have something that would work with the 1952-56 Plymouth r10g1 transmission as well.  Unfortunately my days where I could help in either are behind me but I sure would love to see someone complete it 


It really is great to see people still developing new products for these old Chrysler flathead!





I have a shifter for an R!0 roughly fabricated to work but not to show. But since i dont have an over drive in my suburban and no other car tp put it one, will not take the time to refine it. LIke you, I now live a life of manitanence.  I go to the shop maybe several times a week now. Maybe time will heal the Lyme infection. Can only wait that outl. 





On 1/9/2022 at 7:00 PM, pflaming said:

I have a shifter for an R!0 roughly fabricated to work but not to show. But since i dont have an over drive in my suburban and no other car tp put it one, will not take the time to refine it. LIke you, I now live a life of manitanence.  I go to the shop maybe several times a week now. Maybe time will heal the Lyme infection. Can only wait that outl. 



I completely understand and while its easy for me to lay my hand on an r10g1 or a straight 3 speed, its not something i personally need and so its tough to  devote the time to it as i just have too much to deal with these days.    I do hope you have  a treatment plan for the Lyme disease as it can be a huge issue and sometimes people are tested several times, it shows negative and then all of a sudden they test positive.  I  have had a few close friends get it and the longer it takes to diagnose it the tougher it is to tackle and though there are several  antibiotics approved in the states for it.   Im sure you have done the search many times  although like so much there is as much misinformation as information.  But trusted sources are out there   Treatment for erythema migrans | Lyme Disease | CDC

Road toad


Great effort on the shifter. I’m not a fan of 3 on the tree. 
A factory floor shifter was one of the appeals for me when I bought my ‘38 Dodge Coupe 35 years ago and my ‘61 Dodge Lancer 20 years ago. 
I did have the good sense to order an A833 4 speed overdrive adapter from George Asch before the option wasn’t available anymore. I have an 8 3/4 rear with e-brake for it finally so I can proceed with the swap. 
I am sorry to hear of your fight with Lyme disease. 
I have had my share of health issues that keep me from playing with my fleet of old mopars. 
My brother had Lyme destroy his life for a few years until he found a holistic Dr. that found that the simple and cheap drug used to help alcoholics kick the habit is the best solution. Unfortunately hard to get now in the US because drug companies don’t make much money on it. He had to get it from Canada. 
You definitely can not drink alcohol while taking this drug but it could be a game changer if the establishment medical community would step up. 
Good luck and be well.



On 1/13/2022 at 8:52 AM, Road toad said:

Great effort on the shifter. I’m not a fan of 3 on the tree. 
A factory floor shifter was one of the appeals for me when I bought my ‘38 Dodge Coupe 35 years ago and my ‘61 Dodge Lancer 20 years ago. 
I did have the good sense to order an A833 4 speed overdrive adapter from George Asch before the option wasn’t available anymore. I have an 8 3/4 rear with e-brake for it finally so I can proceed with the swap. 
I am sorry to hear of your fight with Lyme disease. 
I have had my share of health issues that keep me from playing with my fleet of old mopars. 
My brother had Lyme destroy his life for a few years until he found a holistic Dr. that found that the simple and cheap drug used to help alcoholics kick the habit is the best solution. Unfortunately hard to get now in the US because drug companies don’t make much money on it. He had to get it from Canada. 
You definitely can not drink alcohol while taking this drug but it could be a game changer if the establishment medical community would step up. 
Good luck and be well.


The good news is the A833 options is still very much available.    My dad Eddy put one in my Mom's 1956 Fargo in 1975, and George Asche and my Dad were great friends and George has been making the adapter plates for over 30 years now in two formats.  1 for a pickup and 1 for the car bell housing. You can find that option elsewhere on my blog.  He has sold hundreds of them and still does, so if that is a direction someone wants to take, that is still available today.


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