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The Grand Master Turns 85 today !

February 6 1932   my good friend and second Dad, the Grand Master of Flathead Mopars -  George Asche was born.     Yesterday was his surprise Birthday Party and today

is George's 85th Birthday!     The picture below  is rumored to be when George Graduated High School, but I think really that should be a diploma of future Flathead Chrysler, Desoto, Plymouth, Dodge/Fargo's mastery !    In the background is his Dad's Dodge truck which George still owns today!


Happy Birthday George!


Oh and if your wondering what George was up to for Birthday. Well  -  Lunch with his Boys at the shop (George III,  Rob and Tim), then building some carbs up, then over to the machine shop for some consulting as the AoK dual carb intakes were rolling through 7 different station.   The picture of  George with the prototype and the very first one to be completed which of course is his birthday present.. lol   A few pictures of the Dual  Carb (23 1/2" USA small block) and Triple Carb (25 1/2" Canadian  Big Block) intakes going through  the steps,  and being test fitted on blocks setup with exhausts so that every intake has been checked for a perfect fit.


Then it was off for Supper in Knox (Horse Thief Capital of the World) and  back to George's shop and setting up tomorrows trip, which is believe it or not, were heading down to pick up George's Uncle Harry Hiens -  #90 who is in the Nascar  Hall of Fame. Harry lives in Mars PA.  Were bringing him up to check out the AoK intakes and take George's newest 1929 Desoto  for a ride!


George Asche Graduation from High School - editted.jpg















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55 Fargo


Happy Birthday George Jr, ll the best to you on this special day, and many more to come.

Long Live the AoK Boyz

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Happy Birthday George !  That sounds like a great way to celebrate ones 85th birthday. That's Tim for giving us a glimpse into things and Oh My God I was drawling looking at all of those intakes.

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Wow so that is what an 85th Birthday tour is like.  I'm Jealous. Please relay Happy Birthday wishes to George. I have tried calling for the last couple of  hours but he must be on the phone.    Those production intakes look better than the prototype ones did and I notice the George Asche JR and all of the script is turned around and bigger.


Happy Birthday George Asche Jr -   May you live until you 150, which should give you a chance to come up with a few more flathead mopar performance goodies !!

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Happy belated birthday George.  Thank you Tim for turning me onto this post. 

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55 Fargo


Fantastic post and pics of the master at work. What a Mopar Guru and Genius.......

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Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the terrific birthday notice. Please pass-on my belated best Birthday wishes to George Jr.!

Best regards,

Walt Redmond

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Please tell Mr. Asche my belated greetings; Happy Birthday & Good health for years to come!

Kind regards,

Uncle-Pekka from Finland

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Howdy Folks -  On behalf of George Asche Jr -   thank you one and all for the Birthday wishes.   He has seen all of the notes on the thread and received a great number of calls wishing him well.  He really was humbled by the shear volume and really did appreciate it.

A few have sent me notes and of course those have been passed on. In a few of those notes was asking if George's uncle Harry is really still alive.

Yes he is, yes he really is George's uncle.. and while he isn't a lot older than George, he is a bit older. He turns 88 on March 6th.

I was down  and spent some time at AoK world wide HQ,  also known as George's  house and shops..     While there we went down to "Uncle Harry's" and brought him up to Georges to inspect a new car George recently purchased.   It is a 1929 Desoto 4 door, which is actually like the 1st car George ever owned. Ive updated this blog entry to add those pictures..    Harry and George beaming ear to ear over the new car.   Also a rare shot over in the Asche Mechanical Shop with  Harry, George Jr,  George III  and Rob also known as George's #1 and #2 son..      Lol..  you can ask George who #3 is if your ever talking to him.

Harry was telling the boys about  a legendary grudge race on a Nascar track between his #90 car with a flathead 265 that George had built vs a guy running a 392 Hemi.  The punch line, yes Harry won the race..  The rest of the story, well that is for another time.

But I thought people would like to see a few pictures of the folks you often hear me or someone talk about !

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Happy birthday! Thanks rockwood for telling me about Mr. Asche.



Still out working in the garage at 85...now that is awesome...



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