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Today I lost my second Mom..

Folks - I started to write this note on Monday on what was the 80th Birthday of my good friend, George Asche's wife June's 80th birthday. June has been in extremely poor health for the last 14 months and has surpassed all of the medical experts estimates. The last few weeks have been a struggle but when I dropped by to visit with flowers as I have done for now close to 20 years, she smiled, thanked me and tried hard to carry on a conversation. She was a very cool lady. She was both extremely talented musically as she was up to Nascar races and what Mopar projects were going on around the AoK world.


So I started my blog entry to pay tribute to the lady who called me her third son, which always got a both smile from both of us as I would say, I am always proud to be your oldest son, even if I was your last child..


Well, Monday was her 80th birthday and on Monday we started the celebration of her life as God called her home on her birthday. I apologize as I should have put up notification of her passing, but I just wasn't feeling
up to it. On Wednesday evening there was a celebration of her life and the outpouring of love and support
was incredible to see.


At the end of the evening the count of the people who visited, was some how appropriate, being the magical Mopar number of 426!


Thursday was her funeral service and it was a terrific service appropriate for just how special June was.
It was an overflow crowd and was followed by a reception at the local church with enough food to feed a large army.... and I am not kidding.


Here was the notice in the paper.




For those wondering how George is, I would say this. George and June have been married 60 years later this month. The loss of a spouse is a life changing event, but I know George well and he is at peace that his beloved June is today in a better place. June, like George was born again, and all of the family and close friends know that while June's time on earth has ended, her impact will go on forever and she is with God today, and likely either playing a guitar, piano, or watching a Nascar or NHRA race in heaven. George who was at June's side in the end as he has been on a constant basis during the last chapter of her life, I think finally got
his 1st full nights rest in over a year this week.


For those wishing to send a note to George, since I was asked today, George's address is 1693 Fertigs Road, Fertigs PA, 16364


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55 Fargo


Tim and George and the Boys, so very sad to hear this news, and my prayers and thoughts will be with the Asche family.

George knows that his beloved June, is perfectly fine in the next world, but as stated this will be a life changing event.

My parents are quite elderly, and with that issues  too.

My mother is very sharp and with it, but her mobility is impaired as a result of a stroke a dozen years ago.

Glad to hear the family and community, put on a nice send off luncheon, and hope George is doing well too......

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My condolences to George and all family- extended included!


My GOD hold her close and comfort the rest of you still on this earth.


Hope I did not cross the no religion rules on this board but felt the need to express what I felt when I read this.


Best to you all,



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I am so sorry to hear about Mrs Asche's passing.  I don't have your number Tim, but I do have George's and gave him a call to pay my condolences. It was great talking to him and when I mentioned I had read about his wife's passing on your blog, he was a little chocked up. He made it clear how important you are to him and were to Mrs Asche. It is likely not appropriate to disclose more than that although good on you Tim !  


I didn't know there was a no religion rule on the board.  I don't often preach, but I don't mind telling the word I long ago accepted Jesus as my savour. It  is times like

this when I know Mrs Asche has gone to a better place and while I can not comprehend God's plan I have comfort that he does.


Peace on earth, and god bless you Mrs Asche and please take care of all of the AoK family.

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My condolences for your loss. No matter how long or how great a life a person leads on earth it is always hard on those who love them when they pass away,  Some day you will have a chance to join her I am sure. In the mean time in her memory, live your life to its fullest because life on earth is for the living. Please take care. Barb

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