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So I get this call from the movie coordinator and they need the 41 champion for there movie I go out and get the car driving at night I notice the headlight out. The parts guy tells me that "we are out of the 6006 light you need" What's the cost 38.00 dollars he says, Oh no, what next. I go home and I'm sitting with my head kind of down when I look over to my right, there is this box with a chainsaw on it. I remember Bob sent me some bulbs a while back and I never opened the box:) Bob saved the day I just installed it and if the rain holds I will drive it to the set. Thanks bob T. you saved the day and the picture, just think when you see the movie you will know that you had a part in it.(If we don't end up on the cutting room floor:rolleyes:I love the Texico box it's a keeperIMG_2171.jpg


Rodney, before you dispose of the old bulb, check it with a couple of jumper wires off the battery. I had one I thought was out changed it no dice so I cheked and found a corroded connection at the junction terminal block. Or check the plug for good circuits with a otage gauge or circuit tester probe.


Rodney, man this is another sweet looking ride you have there.

Cool old Texaco box that bulb came in too.

Rodney not trying to be nosy, but is the under side of the hood and the engine bay area painted satin black, mine is like that right now, was going to paint the under side of the hood in sation black also, regardless of my final paint color on the body.

I lik the satin black look under hood and in the trunk area, maybe not period correct on mine, but I still like the look...........Fred


Hopefully the light will work OK Rodney.

But you might check - like greg said also.

The movie folks seem to be keeping you and the cars busy.

Yes, I thought those boxes were kinda neat. The guy I

bought them from had been a Texaco service station. He retired

and took out the pumps.....now just uses the building as an auto

repair shop. Occasionally he digs out some goodies from the

storage room, and occasionally I buy some things from him.


Yes the bulb worked great and I have high and low beams. I did some night driving tonite and boy was it great, I got my Plymouth back and I don't think they will be getting it again.

Rockwood the fire wall and underhood is POR-15 I restored this car many years ago and that was the best thing going for a rust bucket and it still looks pretty good.

Thanks again Bob;)

Hey guy's, I got a chance to do some night driving, I pulled over and took a pic in front of The Baltimore O's stadium. I love to go night driving with the radio on and it was a very cool night to bootIMG_2186.jpg



That is a fantastic photo of the '40 at night:):)

I saw Baltimore play the Royals during the summer of '74 at the old stadium

Boog Powell, Brooks Robinson, good memories

Thanks for sharing the fantasic photo



Brooks Robinson, WOW I remember them well, I have seen a Senators game myself many many years ago. It was different then going to RFK was like ELECTRIC. It's not the same, They (Baltimore) have two stadiums there in Camden yards. At night it's nice. I had a great ride home. The old 1940 liked the night, low humidity cruzing with the vents wide open. That thing was cruzing at about 60 miles per hour just like BUTTER:D I will be going to a restoration shop next week, I will be takin 17 into Fredricksburg then to RT3than RT2 I know it will be a gas. you got to drive em:cool: or else the gas is truly wasted:eek:

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