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Rusted out Spark plug removal ??

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The 48 parts car might turn out to be a lot better- engine turns oil pressure builds up did not see any water l in the oil and antifreeze was present in the water and radiator does not leak .

However a few year of sitting with water dripping on plugs has caused them to be disintegrated. They are literally rusted off. Slightest pressure with socket and they twist apart.

Anyone got any remedies besides pulling the head and working from there?

And if I need to pull head where do I go from there.

Also if head is pulled what should I look at in the pistons etc- won't they be marked like 30 over etc. If valves are sticking do what?



This car is restorable but I bought it for parts- So it will prlbably be used for that

Anyone needs parts let me know what parts and we can see if we can work something out- As most of you know I ma not inthe business butwould like to recoup some of my cost.

Someone wanted a front clip and this one is good



Lou...if the thread section breaks withing the head and the electrode does remove with the base and ceramic insulator, then removal may be fairly easy with an easy out..I would try the blue point brand that are fluted first or maybe the square ones..as it is basically a failure of the metal due to exposure theymay come right on out. I try to avoid the use of the tapered spirals as they distort and actually can itghten the metal to metal bond of the incline plane. Even if you have to result to removal of the head...quick heating of the m steel within ght cast iron will make quick and easy removal..at that point, you can just flat out melt the thread out of the cast iron.


I had removed some badly rusted plugs by filling the pockets with PB Blaster keep it full of the oil check it every day in about a week I was able to remove the plugs ,Same car had a few hung up valves also worked them with wd40,pbblaster (head and side plates off) and turned engine over by hand with a breaker until eveyhing freed up.


Hi Lou,

I'm looking for a rear seat bottom cushion for my P-15 club coupe. You didn't mention what style your parts car is but I suspect that the rear seat cushions are all the same. Here are the dimensions of what's left of my rear seat bottom cushion. I would appreciate you checking if yours is the same as mine.

55.5" wide, 15.25" high, 18.5" deep

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