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Got a new (to me) Plymouth P15 ad.....

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....from my son-in-law, Dale. He found it somewhere in Kansas City.

I didn't have this particular one.


He also got me this metal sign a while back. It's new, but looks

weather-beaten. (Kinda hard to use the flash and not get a



My favorite ad of all is this one showing the different models. Have had

it for many years and it's gotten a little funky around the edges. Maybe

one day I'll run onto a better one.


What ads do you like????


I've got these 2 in my room. Lots of others that aren't framed or displayed.


I'm partial to this one Bob ............

Johnny S,

I'm Kinda partial to that middle car in the second row of your 1949 poster.:D


Or my personal favorite .... a slightly modified and reconstructed ad turned into wallpaper for my computer.

A friend of mine gave me a copy of this ad. It must have been my P18 they used for the photo cuz it's the spittin image of the car in the ad.

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