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I am trying to start a truck that has not been started for years.  I have installed a new wiring harness, new voltage regulator, new points, new condenser, new coil, new rotor and plugs. I get 6.53 volts to the distributor coming from the distributor to the wiring terminal on the outside of the distributor. With the key turned on if I open the points I get a spark.  New gas tank, fuel line and fuel pump.  Just from cranking the engine it has pumped gas up to the carburetor.  I know I am getting fuel.  I have also given it multiple shots of starting fluid.


When I try starting the vehicle it acts as if it is not getting any fire.  I have seen diagrams from different sources and they show the cylinders number different.  They also show the cylinder numbers in the distributor in different positions.  The attached picture is from a 1941-1947 Dodge_W_Series Truck Manual.  My interpretation is if you are standing on the driver side of the vehicle looking at the engine It shows the number one cylinder at the front of the engine and the number one terminal in the distributor at 8 o'clock progressing to number 6 at the rear of the engine.  This is opposite to what I have seen in other sources.  It's also a completely different position in the distributor for each of the cylinders than other sources.  Can someone confirm this is correct or post a correct diagram showing the correct cylinder location and distributor cylinder location?  This giving me a firing order of 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4 but I am not sure what is marked as number one on the distributor is accurate.  If not, number one is not getting spark when it is suppose to.



Edited by dgrinnan

it really doesn't matter which terminal on the distributor is #1.  just make sure that the plug wire leading from #1 leads to the terminal on the distributor where the rotor is pointing on the compression stroke, and arrange the remaining wires as you stated, firing order of 1-5-3-6-2-4.  #1 cylinder is the front cylinder, #6 is the rear.


Static timing should have number 1 on compression with rotor at 7 o'clock if oilpump indexing is correct.  The drive can be correct or 180 degrees out. So assure number one is at TDC on compression recheck rotor position, and assure spark plug wires are correct. When I first did mine everything was correct except I was one tower off on the distributor  cap.  So no start. So even though it was correct as per firing order. It was misaligned as to position on the cap.  Now if the oil pump was messed with, the rotor position may not be correct.  But once you locate the position for number 1, then do the firing order from that position.  


You can also power the negative terminal of the coil from the battery with a jumper wire directly from the battery with a jumper wire to isolate any problems that may be in the ign switch circuit.  Make a wire long enough to reach from the battery to the coil with 12 gauge wire and a couple alligator clips.  With this in place you will need to disconnect the wire to shut down if when it stairs, hence the alligator clips.

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