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I do not have this block oil gauge fitting.I think it is because when my PU is runing at 50 km/h or 30 m.p.h. its pointer is between 40 and 80 pounds.Where can I buy one?Thanks.This pic is from Chrysler Master Tech-1948,volume 2-3 The Engine Oiling System-You tube.



That restricted fitting is usually used for  gauges as a damper, to reduce pressure spikes at the gauge. If you have high pressure readings on the gauge I would suspect that you may have a stuck pressure regulator. A restricted fitting won't lower the pressure shown on the gauge. To verify that the gauge in the dash is reading correctly you could connect another gauge, for diagnostic purposes, and compare readings. 


Merle,my oil gauge was damaged years ago.I only disentangled the pointer and we did new letters(oil) and numbers(0-40-80).It is with high pressure(50km/h between 40 and 80 pounds).50km/h is same as 30m.p.h.


6 hours ago, Merle Coggins said:

That restricted fitting is usually used for  gauges as a damper, to reduce pressure spikes at the gauge. If you have high pressure readings on the gauge I would suspect that you may have a stuck pressure regulator. A restricted fitting won't lower the pressure shown on the gauge. To verify that the gauge in the dash is reading correctly you could connect another gauge, for diagnostic purposes, and compare readings. 


Dodge filtro de óleo instalação 001.JPG

Dodge oilpressure relief valve 002.JPG


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