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removing the radiator from a 42 dodge WC best way out the bottom or remove the hoods and out the top

Go to solution Solved by billrigsby,

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Hi everyone, 

hey can I get that radiator out the bottom or do I need to remove the hoods and go out the top?  It looks like if I have it up and the fan blade off it should come out.  Looking for you that have done it, my first time into one of these! 

Thank You much!!! 

  • Solution

While I have no experience with any of the WC's only the B Series, and on them I think the top is easiest.

This is from the War Department Technical Manual Ordnance Maintenance Power Train, Clutch and Electrical - TM 9-1808 A,

and for 3/4 Ton and 1.5 Ton, also the only WC document I have other than a parts list......




Hope it helps!





There is no way it can come out from the bottom . What do you see when you look in there , a massive cross member and the radiator support that also holds the fender supports . 


I pulled my water pump with fan and pulley attached then had to pull one of the nose support rods from the firewall, whichever side you want to exit out of, it's a HEAVY son of a gun when you're leaning over the fender and turning it to come out but it worked fine

Installed the same way, installed the water pump the same also, that way you don't have to mess with the skinned knuckles and cuss words, trying to mess with the fan to water pump bolts where there's just not enough space.

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