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A couple fuel tank related questions, as my basket case has neither tank nor existing mounting hardware. 

a) the parts book that I have shows only 1 tank part number for all models. Yet several “repop” tank listings for P15 state “excluding Station Wagon”.  So, is it a common part, or is there actually a Wagon exclusive tank? Any experience or evidence out there?


b) from what I can tell from the parts and service manuals, in the non-wagon models the tank straps go up through the floor. The wagon is lacking this floor. So, how are the tank straps held, if they even are the same straps used for other models.


If any Woodie owners have photos of the rear floor area, fuel tank, and tank mounting it would be greatly appreciated. 
Similarly, appreciate any feedback on replacement tanks you may have used or tried.





Post some pictures so we can see what you are working with. My P10 woodie was a basket case, but I learned a lot and could now probably be the 1940 Plymouth woodie Advisor (if there was such a thing, LOL). Here are some pictures of my gas tank details. PM me and I can give you access to my Photobucket woodie album.








Thanks Bob. Will post some pictures tomorrow. 
Not so different from the first photo you have posted. 

I will have to dig thru the ‘baskets” looking for any remainders of the brackets from the strap to the floor. 

PM sent 


Hello. I am a new member who hasn’t shown up lately but I’m trying to catch up. I recently cut out the back floor panel holding the straps to the gas tank. It is a parts car, a P-23.  I can only send one pix at a time but can send 2 more to show how the straps were attached. Rodney 



Sorry that the pix rotates but you can see the back trunk area where I cut it out. I wanted the exact template so I can transfer the tank and strap assembly to my ‘36 dodge truck after I refabricate the plate. 



And... this is the tank from that parts car. I am taking a chance of trying to clean it out myself. First rinsing with diesel and then some lacquer thinner. After that I will throw in a good laundry detergent. Last rinse will be diesel again. That should free up that old gas-varnish.  Hopefully.  Trying to send that last photo of the other side of that tray assembly but it’s too big. I’ll take another pix if you want. Let me know. R



 Hello. Want to apologize for an inaccurate response to the gas tank straps for your Woodie. I apparently don’t know my Woodie knowledge. I have a P-15 update manual and it showed a picture of the underside floor pan areas. I thought perhaps a doner pan could work for the time being until you could resolve the strapping issue. After seeing the new pictures which was cool to see.... lol I must have been excited at my own endeavor. Good luck getting that tank set up!


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