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I am taking my rear brakes off for repair.  Once I figured how they came apart wasn't that bad but after all the parts are in the drum I noticed the anchor bolts that hold wheel 

cylinders in place are offset or oblong on the portion that holds the clip after the new shoes are installed.  I am referring to the opposite end of the threaded part.  

Didn't notice this when I took them off so anyone know which direction they go back in?  I also have 2 bad ones anyone know of a source of replacements?  Not listed in Andy's or Roberts and the ones at VPW are too large.  Sorry picture doesn't show the offset.


The "oblongness" (is that a word) or eccentricity of these bolts is used as part of the brake adjustment.  The manual refers to it as a "major adjustment".  Do you have a manual?  All of these bolts that I have seen have an arrow on the top of the head.  Initially the bolt is installed with the arrow pointing toward the wheel cylinder.  When ready to reinstall the drum these bolts are adjusted to get a .006 inch clearance between the drum and brake shoe. 


Thanks.  The manual I have makes no mention of that fact but that tells me how they go together.  Now to find a couple of new or used anchor bolts.  Two of mine have bad threads.


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