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I have a question on master cylinders. I bought one on line and now went to install a year later and have no paperwork. I don't believe any came with it. It's a 4 port  style and resembles an old impala unit. It's a drum to drum, drum disk, disk disk universal. I'm not sure which port is primary and secondary. I've called and scoured on line and seems front and rear options are out there. I'm not sure it even mater's on this until. Any ideas would be great.


You should have received two plugs that fit the outlets on the master cyl., .Only use the two to plug one side that does not work for your app.. It is use one side of the ports or the other ( multi vehicle use) depended on your needs. Usually the front outlets go to the front brakes I believe. Go look at any other cars with a dual reservoir master cyl. to double check this.



46 minutes ago, DJ194950 said:

I know how the plugs go and I understand how the master works. I've seen some of the front ports going to the front and I've seen some rear ports go to the front. I just didn't want to disassemble parts of the master to see how this one is see up. Some of the Impalas run front to front. The 70s-80s usually used rear to front




Ok, is one of the ports larger than the other? The port size that is.  If one is larger it usually goes to the rear.


If not, all I can say is call the seller!  I have read about these, fits all applications! Not real sure about these!


Sorry if I misled you.




So searching all over the web it appears the most common set up on this master is the port furthest from the booster is for the front brakes. I have it hooked up backwards on my car.  

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