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So i have a 50 wayfarer. I did some motor work to the car. Im putting the car back together and re wiring the car back to original. Its hard to see the wire colors compared to the book, since its so faded. It also doesnt help that the previous owner mustve wanted to get the car running with home theater speaker wire. Anyways i have the distributor and coil in it. No spark. The coil is wired into the horn relay such as the book says. I would appreciate it if someone can give me some guidance since im 21 and this is my first full blown project car. The old girl is all stock and has the 6 volt positive ground on it. 


Do you have a DMM (digital multimeter or an analog) or a test light? If not, go out and buy one (cheap as chips), its a great diagnostic tool.


if you got voltage to the coil both side....and if turning the engine it stays with voltage....then your points are either not closing or if closing, not going to ground..check you wiring to the distributor, check the ground strap in the distributor....when the points close you should read ground on the (-) side during the time the points are in saturation...ie the dwell time...


make certain the points contacts are clean. If they are clean then not burnt. You can use your multi meter to check continuity from one side to the other. Disconnect the coil wire and condenser from the points terminal hen place one lead on the points terminal and the other to a ground. Points open continuity 0. Points closed voltage flowing. Make certain the condenser screw is tight. 


The points are opening i can see them opening. But when they are open im still getting voltage on both upper and lower plates let me get a picture of the distributor. Maybe i put it together wrong. But all i know is i open up the points both sides are hot. 


there are some very good pages on the internet that will go into the operation of the ignition components and allow you to understand what should be happening within the circuit when points are open and closed...if your points are not going to ground...there is voltage on both sides of the coil...there is no completion to ground thus you are getting no saturation in the coil...no saturation no spark as only when the points are open will the field collapse and generate the secondary high tension spark...again, sounds as though your points even if closed, are not going to ground...verify this with an ohm meter and with the lead to the distributor from the coil and test that you have a completed circuit from this wire to the housing of the distributor when the points are closed....

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