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Hello, I would like to chime in on this post and to say I'm sorry to all that have PM me over the years, as I just found out about the PM folder in the upper right of the web page.

I plead Insanity!


Ernie Baily

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  Take Note: the Personal Messaging feature works only if the person you’re attempting to PM allows that feature. If that individual has it disabled, your message will never get through. I know, because I had a negative experience with someone on this site, so I turned that off (also blocked that person), and viola, problem solved!!!


I've noticed many times people have posted stuff for sale and you PM them and never get a response. I've never understood this. And yes even when I've posted "PM sent" in a thread. Maybe they didn't know how it all works but if the seller doesn't  post any contact info in the thread how else would a buyer know how to get ahold of them?  


   Two possible explanations: 1) they deliberately turned off the Personal Message feature (as I have . . .); or 2) they don’t know that it’s turned off, and/or don’t know how to turn it on. In either scenario—the result’s the same.


If they deliberately turned it off or they don't know how to turn it on and post something for sale with no contact info how do they think someone is going to get ahold of them? I've posted in the for sale thread under the listing PM sent. Now if they didn't know how it works or didn't have it on looks like they would say, "what PM"  or "I never got it" or something. Yea, I give the benefit of the doubt. Something strange has happened or whatever. If it happens once, maybe twice I go hmmm, three, four times each instance by a different seller...

Oh well is all I can say. 



   Oh, I agree with you whole-heartedly, Flatie46—if they expect contact, they should exercise due diligence to ensure that the feature to facilitate that contact is functioning. If they can’t, they should contact the site’s administrator. I’ve done that, and he’s most agreeable and helpful. Plus, he doesn’t object to “dumbing it down” for the “electronically challenged” such as myself. If, on the other hand, they just don’t turn the feature on, then you’re correct—is just a case of “oh well” . . .

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