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HeybI just did a oil change on my 56 Fargo it has a TX135. I was wondering if anyone new what type oil to use. I put 10W30 into it and it now sounds like the lifters are clacking pretty good. It was doing this before I did it. Did I put a 2 little weight oil in it. I know that the engine used to be in a combine. So maybe it needs a thicker oil. 

1 minute ago, bambamshere said:

HeybI just did a oil change on my 56 Fargo it has a TX135. I was wondering if anyone new what type oil to use. I put 10W30 into it and it now sounds like the lifters are clacking pretty good. It was doing this before I did it. Did I put a 2 little weight oil in it. I know that the engine used to be in a combine. So maybe it needs a thicker oil. 

what did it have before?

Try Rottella 15W40 or Castrol 20 W 50, might be a lot happier on a loose old engine.....


15w40 is fine, it just has detergents in it, but in your case that might be an issue as it could break down the sludge you likely have and cause issues.  Get yourself some straight 40 weight if they have it locally and it will be just fine for the spring to fall months..I wouldn't recommend running it in the winter tho.


Oh ok sounds like a diesel right with the lifter clacking. Don't want to run it to long like this I guess. Now for the air breather I guess it really doesn't matter what I run inside it. 

58 minutes ago, 4mula-dlx said:

15w40 is fine, it just has detergents in it, but in your case that might be an issue as it could break down the sludge you likely have and cause issues.  Get yourself some straight 40 weight if they have it locally and it will be just fine for the spring to fall months..I wouldn't recommend running it in the winter tho.

This oil from this video is for motorcycles.

1 hour ago, bambamshere said:

Oh ok sounds like a diesel right with the lifter clacking. Don't want to run it to long like this I guess. Now for the air breather I guess it really doesn't matter what I run inside it. 

50 weight oil, but if you don't have it use what you can

6 minutes ago, bambamshere said:

So do I get a 15W40 for diesel engine or for both. I know there was once you could get for gasoline engines but I don't know. Just normal but no detergent. Is any of the correct. 

That video showed oil 20W-50 with detergent for motorcycle(cars oil does not have detergent).Silvio carburetors showed how we can clean the valves puting 50 ml of this oil inside the carburetor and accelerating the engine while this operation.


My engine is worn and I run O'Reilly 20W-50, (cheap).  I also cleaned my pan out before running it.  Just look at the container and it will say if it's non detergent.  I never run non detergent in anything.


Detergent oil in an old possibly dirty engine can cause issues IMO, and I've never seen 15w40 in anything but diesel and 50 weight isn't all that easy to come by and might be a bit excessive.  Go to a Tractor Supply store or something like that, usually buy 10litre jugs of 40 weight for a decent price.  You can run anything you want in the air breather, most just run the same weight oil as the engine, the oil is just collecting the dust as the breather pulls in the air.  Too thin couldn't possibly be an issue, but 10w30 and up will be just fine.  Now the heated contention....I recommend a zddp additive in these old engines ,some people are happy running .99 cent junk oil...that's all a matter of choice and opinion, but you can't hurt your engine with a good oil and an additive...I'm sure you can with cheap oil.  The additive I use is STP high mileage additive, it's in a blue bottle at Walmart for about $3.00 in the US...Canada doesn't carry it


I actually just bought some 15W40 that can be used in either diesel or gasoline engines. It is rated cj which I think is 2001 and older. I could have bought just 40W for the same price. I was looking at it. For the additive I was going to buy something but wasn't sure what to buy. I know that we have lucus stuff up here on Canada. 


I missed your member profile, so here in Canada we have the option of the Lucas or you can buy federal mogul engine assembly lube, it's in a litttle squirt bottle and has the same zddp additives.  Central Canada...are you in Manitoba as well? 

11 hours ago, bambamshere said:

Sorry Fernando I didn't understand the language the guy was speaking on the video. 

What the video guy is wanting to say is that with a few quantity of oil(50ml) for motorcycle,that has detergent,is possibly to clean all the valves(antique cars).He noticed that after applied this oil inside the carburetor,the engine expeled many smoke.He noticed too that the old engine sound became better.


Well lets ask everyone one else on here. What do you all think about doing this. What Fernando has said. Probably wouldn't hurt. 

16 minutes ago, bambamshere said:

What Fernando has said.

Who said was SILVIO CARBURETOR from São Paulo here in Brazil.

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