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If it's not on a MOPAR, is it still undercaotney????

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I spent this AM fussing with the Studebaker frame. Scrapping and cleaning and looking for engine/head numbers. So I scrapped some, sprayed some greased lightning (now off to the store to get some more Purple power as it works better than the GL) and rinsed and scrapped and sprayed.....I also found that even though Studebaker cars and Mopar cars share the same bolt pattern, Studebaker trucks do not (guess it 5 X 5 ) so the wheels I though would fit won't. The rims on the frame are 16's and they are mounted with 265 75 16 truck tires. that are probably 33 inches in diameter. I bit tall for my sensibilities, so looks like a trip to the u pull it is gonna be in order.

So if anybody needs some I have a half box of Studebaker undercoatney. Don't be shy if you need it let me know.....


I have twice that amount of Genuine Mopar Undercoatney (the fine grind stuff) if you are more comfortable with that. You just pay shipping and it's yours...free...no charge ;)


Hey Dennis, I is officially retired again. I did my last day of labor for someone else last Friday. 92 days sheeesh, that's a long time.

My father was worried when he retired. He said, "When I was a kid I lived with Mom and Dad, and they told me what to do." When he got a job, the foreman told him what to do, when he joined the Navy, the Navy told him what to do, when he got out of the Navy, he got married and Mom told him what to do. When he retired, he figured he would have no one to tell hime what to do, and after doing other peoples's tasks for so long he was concerned he wouldn't know what to do!!! After a couple weeks, I asked how he was doing, he smiled and said, " Don;t worry, I think I got it figured out!!!"

He spent nearly as much time retired as he did working for others, and believe me he had it figured out pretty good. Hope your 92 goes quickly and those afterword go slowly and enjoyably.


Don, I had a short time calendar left over from Nam but EEO made me take it down.

Greg g, Congrats on your retirement. This will be my second one, and I still have my wife to tell me what to do. She says that she'll meet me at the back door in the morning with my lunch and coffee cup and say "Have a good day in your shop, I'll call you when dinner is ready"



When I retired (at 60) first wife said, "I married you for better or worse - NOT for breakfast and lunch. Git out!" So out I go - to the shop, lovin' every minute of it.

Remember what Peter Rabbit told Farmer McGreggor, "Do anything you want to me, just don't throw me in that nasty old briar patch . . . . . "

If I'd have known retiremint was this much fun, I'da started sooner!

Just like grandkids - lots more fun than our kids were. Soulda' had them first!

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