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Rainy Days = Boredom = Painting Parts

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Hey been raining here for 4 days now, very soggy, but nice and green, but it had been very dry, so we needed it.

I decided to strip,primer and paint, 2 Mopar oil bath air cleaners.

One is 46-48 Mopar, the other is from a early 50s Mopar, was on 1955 Dodge truck.

They both have rather clean innards, don't leak, and are in decent form.

The 40s air cleaner, I may sell.

I used Rustoleum Gloss Black, reduced with Medium speed Dupli-color reducer, no hardener, didn't have any lying around.

I got a few runs, as the paint from my 1.4 tip HVLP gun, comes out quite fast, and with soemthing small like an air fliter, you got to be careful.

I will wait a few days, sand out a few runs and hit it with a final coat for both filters.

I stripped to bare metal, acid treated where applicable, and primered with Tremlcad, red oxide rust primer 1st.....

gee Fred..I would have done all that for you for just one day of rain...

One day to think about it, 1 day to drink coffee about it, 1day to strip and clean all, drink more coffee, tend to the kids,wife and dog. And about 2 minutes to shoot on the paint.....ain't gonna need your help, but would splash down a few coffees with you, and have a piece of rhubarb apple pie, with a scoop or 2 of ice cream.

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