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A Little Oops.....I broke it just a little.

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Well, four of the six spark plugs came out the "normal" way after soaking in a bath of PB Blaster for about 2-3 weeks. A little soaking...a little tapping....a little soaking....a little tapping....repeat. However, the time finally came to give them a little more solid nudging. The good news is that four came out just right. But I only got the top half on the other two. So, the base is still stuck (and still soaking) in the head. It looks like the best technique to get these out will be to weld a bolt into the base of the old spark plug and try again after adding a little heat. Any other ideas that might work?



I had the broken spark plug problem with the Spitfire head I hope to install some day. I used a MAPP gas torch to heat the broken plugs cherry red. I then hit them with candle wax borrowed from my wife (without my wifes knowledge). Let things cool down and they all almost screwed themselves out.




Don, thanks....did you let the plugs cool a little before applying the wax or did the room fill with smoke and a little fire? Also, was that the wife's special halloween candle?

Don, thanks....did you let the plugs cool a little before applying the wax or did the room fill with smoke and a little fire? Also, was that the wife's special halloween candle?

I hit them hot. Smoke and fire puts a bit of excitement in your life.


Another way- - I had the head off but will work with it on- keep soaking the plugs then wire brush off all rust and crud. Then vacuum it out of area or blow it way with air. then bust off the ceramic and insert a large easy out and drive it in- then twist them out. Then crank engine with plugs out to blow out any debris.

I have blown out bolts wshers and my nephews bb's that way


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