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This ilette alvin guy- got to watch him close

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I been knowing this guy for years- watch him close- he is a CLOSET ford man!!! Met him years ago- then he was hiding out in Fla having fled Yankee land!!! Said he was retired- likely story-Well anyway he was not working But he was driving a ford in broad daylight for everyone to see. I noticed his neighbors in Fla did not come out to greet him when he came home- could have been the 100 plus temp. I don't know for sure. I do know one thing for sure- he knows where there is a great eaery in the Fla west coast area

that has the best salad dressing in the world. Now he claims he is in NC- likely story- might even be true but I will bet the farm he is near water- he is just that kind of guy- he just cannot help it.

I am just gonna have to wait and see if he is a true blue plym fan or a cheap impostor. Anyway I am not going to mount a crusade to ban him- he ain't quite that bad. But I were you guys I would watch him close he might shift to Buick's and leave us in the dust.

Bout time you realized,Gillette, that rel men and women drive real cars Chrysler products- after all Henry had to buy Walter's transmission to get his cars to run. And besides- how come it took Henry 8 cyls to produce 85 hp and plym just 6 to get 100 and- who won the Dayona 50 in 1950 - sure weren't a ford.

Good to know your still alive and can take some jesting



Hahaha! This must be THE Lou Earle, Mayor of Valdosta. My sweet wife said to me just the other day, “I wonder what ever happened to Lou Earle?”

Truth be told, the last time I saw him was about ten years ago at breakfast in some out of the way GA burg. At that time he, too, was stuck on Furds, Model A’s as I recall. Yeah. He even bought some parts from me for one of his projects. Had one o' them Hill Billy haulers with all the junk hangin' offin it. Yee Haw!

And, BTW, we WERE in FL at the time. . . honest!

Then, I heard through the grapevine he was buying Plymouth stuff. I even called him a couple of times a few years back to confirm this vicious rumor. Turns out I left a couple of messages, one on his machine, one with some nice lady in his office. Never did hear back. . . figured he’d gone all high and mighty on me and Barbara. Sort of a snobby redneck thing, I’d guessed! :D

To update you, Lou, I did actually “return” to the Mopar fold. Having owned a ’36 P2, a ’32 PB, a ’35 PJ over the years, not to mention several ’50 to ’51 sedans, (when you could buy them for under $100!) a ’58 Savoy, and a sweet little ’53 Cranbrook: I ain’t “new” to the brand, just been off on another tangent for thirty years, or so! I’ve settled on a driver ’33 PC coupe.


When I was a lad in the late 40’s and early 50’s, my father used to always say that Chrysler brand cars were “a thinking man’s car.” I love the Mopar engineering, and feel lucky to be “back!” Thanks for your kind (??) words!!

Google says you're about 8 hours from Wilmington, NC. (On the ocean!) You could maybe make 1/2 the trip? I'll meet you in the middle, (unless of course you're still driving Furds,) in which case we'll drive all the way down to your place!


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