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OT...The Great Global Warming Swindle...BBC Documentary...OT

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Thanks for this link Pat!

I have been skeptical about what we have been told about the cause of global warming for years. Lots of debates with my brother.

Now...if I could find a similar program entitled "second hand smoke,another swindle" I'd be a happy smoking camper.


I think we should be very careful with our environment but very opposed to the madness of fanatics on these issues.

The abuse of this issue (whether it is true or not) does not justify the actions (taxes, regulations) and have in my opinion a negative effect.

(ozon layer issues in the past, suddenly the hole closes without explanation, now I read that heavy rainfall in Australia may have cooled the ocean so the Great Barrier reef has cooled down again).

Suggest to read Michael Crighton's book "State of fear".

You just can't believe anything anymore.

My two cents !


Thanks for this link Pat!

I have been skeptical about what we have been told about the cause of global warming for years. Lots of debates with my brother.

Now...if I could find a similar program entitled "second hand smoke,another swindle" I'd be a happy smoking camper.


I agree with you 100%. It's all political and comes from studies that force feed mice tons of one thing. Then it dies because it's all it got. Of course that's going to happen no matter what it's eating or inhaling. It's like one day coffee and wine are going to kill you. The next day a study comes out and they say it's good for you. Again, it's all political, sells newspapers, magazines and makes you watch the news.

If smoking was so bad, makes you wonder how people like George Burns and Bob Hope lived to be over 100 years old.:rolleyes:

What's really interesting is. I just had a complete physical in January by an arthritis specialist. Good news was I'm healthy as an ox, bad news, nothing can be done with the arthritis except pop pills. What was interesting was after all the test he ask how much I smoked because everything was clear. He knew I smoked prior to the test. Told him about 1 pack a day since about 12 years old. He just said ok and didn't say I should quit.


Hey Norms coupe,

I am the arthritis expert I guess. IF there is anything you CAN do its to take a couple few Osteo -Bi-Flex Glucosamine/Clondritin (sp) and the NEW stuff has Msn in it!!! Makes a world of difference to all I have ever talked to that gave it an honest try. Might take 60-90 days to kick in,,,its slow going,,,rebuilding cartilage. Also 'might' try taking suplemental calcium,,,like Citrical. All available from your local Wally world in NAME brand stuff only. DONT waste your money with the store brand stuff,forgot the name, but the stuff all over with the same name. Spring, something, maybe.

Also as important if you take calcium is to find a GOOD magnesium supplement also,,, they have to be in balance. (calcium and magn.) A GOOD brand from a pharmacy only,,,and NOT store brands,get a reccomendation from pharmacist.Walmart brand Magnesium is pure JUNK!!! Cheap is as cheap does!!and wally world is all based on price,not results.

But the osteo-Bi-Flex really does work wonders, thats all!! I have tried all the 'cheap' other brands and always come right back to the name brand stuff that works,find what works for YOU!!! Few days without it and I am crawling the walls and drive after it long distance at night to get it!!! Always keep a 60 day supply for now!! hope this helps---it surely CANT hurt!!-d-

Hey Norms coupe,

I am the arthritis expert I guess. IF there is anything you CAN do its to take a couple few Osteo -Bi-Flex Glucosamine/Clondritin (sp) and the NEW stuff has Msn in it!!! Makes a world of difference to all I have ever talked to that gave it an honest try. Might take 60-90 days to kick in,,,its slow going,,,rebuilding cartilage. Also 'might' try taking suplemental calcium,,,like Citrical. All available from your local Wally world in NAME brand stuff only. DONT waste your money with the store brand stuff,forgot the name, but the stuff all over with the same name. Spring, something, maybe.

Also as important if you take calcium is to find a GOOD magnesium supplement also,,, they have to be in balance. (calcium and magn.) A GOOD brand from a pharmacy only,,,and NOT store brands,get a reccomendation from pharmacist.Walmart brand Magnesium is pure JUNK!!! Cheap is as cheap does!!and wally world is all based on price,not results.

But the osteo-Bi-Flex really does work wonders, thats all!! I have tried all the 'cheap' other brands and always come right back to the name brand stuff that works,find what works for YOU!!! Few days without it and I am crawling the walls and drive after it long distance at night to get it!!! Always keep a 60 day supply for now!! hope this helps---it surely CANT hurt!!-d-

Thanks for the advise. My regular family doctor is into supplements and over the past several years, I think I've tried all those. The Glucosamine worked the best, however it sort of stopped up the works (if you get my drift), so stopped taking that. Actually the stuff the specialist gave me is cheaper than the cost of the supplements. However, it can damage the eyes, so.......I did fill the prescription about a month ago but haven't started taking it yet because of the "possible" side effect on the eyes. So, for now I'm still popping plain old aspirin. The doc is going to be a little upset when I have to see him again in May. But......that's his problem.


Yes indeed everybody is different and stuff that is supposed to make people loose,,,make me stopped up too. The Osteo -Bi-Flex doesnt do that to "ME" hwever your milage may vary. MY point for posting this is exactly the reason you 'should' take extra magnesium. You can take this up to the point of bowel intolerance,,,meaning it will do exact opposite of the other stuff of stopping you up. When you get too much of this,you wont get to far from the throne. My point is find a happy medium for 'YOU'. I was naturally stopped up for 'years' ,,,but then I switched to an excellent source of magnesium and I now have to rotate between one and two a day or things are far too 'loose' if ya get my drift. BUT the extra calcium/magnesium/ AND osteo b-f REALLY makes a huge differnce with my arthritis "PAIN",,,and it might for you!!

I guess I 'should' ask which kind of arthritis do you have osteo or rheumtoid arthritis???or both?? I have mostly a whole body reactive arthritis that mimics osteo arthritis the most,,,only the 'whole body ' part is most like rhematoid. I have 'zero' cartilage in most all my joints,,,especially the hands(major bones of mid hand,wrists and some fingers. Neck, back, and feet are getting to be the same real fast!!! Try some GOOD mangnesium (I take mag 400mg called magnesium oxide,,its the most powerful I have tryed yet anyway!! Hoping better health and pain free days for you Norm,,,and anybody else reading this,,,it really works,,it does,,just find what woorks for YOU and disguard what doesnt!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Although Global reported on Gore's presentation in the senate on the six o'clock news last night, they failed to mention this ?


March 21, 2007


March 21, 2007 marc_morano@epw.senate.gov

MATT DEMPSEY 202-224-9797



WASHINGTON, DC – Former Vice President Al Gore refused to take a "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge" today to consume no more energy than the average American household. The pledge was presented to Gore by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, during today's global warming hearing.

Senator Inhofe showed Gore a film frame from "An Inconvenient Truth" where it asks viewers: "Are you ready to change the way you live?"

Click Here for Link to Chart

Gore has been criticized for excessive home energy usage at his residence in Tennessee. His electricity usage is reportedly 20 times higher than the average American household.

It has been reported that many of these so-called carbon offset projects would have been done anyway. Also, carbon offset projects such as planting trees can take decades or even a century to sequester the carbon emitted today. So energy usage today results in greenhouse gases remaining in the atmosphere for decades, even with the purchase of so-called carbon offsets.

"There are hundreds of thousands of people who adore you and would follow your example by reducing their energy usage if you did. Don't give us the run-around on carbon offsets or the gimmicks the wealthy do," Senator Inhofe told Gore.

"Are you willing to make a commitment here today by taking this pledge to consume no more energy for use in your residence than the average American household by one year from today?" Senator Inhofe asked.

Senator Inhofe then presented Vice President Gore with the following "Personal Energy Ethics Pledge:

refer link above:

As a believer:

· that human-caused global warming is a moral, ethical, and spiritual issue affecting our survival;

· that home energy use is a key component of overall energy use;

· that reducing my fossil fuel-based home energy usage will lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions; and

· that leaders on moral issues should lead by example;

I pledge to consume no more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 21, 2008."

Gore refused to take the pledge.

See Senator Inhofe's Opening Statement from today's hearing


So, if he won't cut his own usage, and he wants US to cut OURS, what's his game? It's not global warming, so what is it?

Guest usedmind

Here is another link for it, if anyone is having trouble watching it.


This is a big topic at Purdue at the moment. Even our little paper prints a letter a day from like each side contesting their points.

This was in the paper today...

Oceans, animals emit most carbon dioxide

Publication Date: 03/22/07

This letter is in response to Avinash's March 19 letter "Global warming provides us a significant challenge." You mentioned that you discovered that Earth is getting warmer in your English class. I'm not sure how diagramming sentences could lead you to hear biased political rhetoric, but now that you have become aware of this nation's biggest political movement, it's only fair that you hear more about it.

First, you say "humans are a major cause of global warming." This is true, if you consider "major" to be less than 10 percent. I should note that animals (animals produce 238 times more carbon dioxide than humans), volcanoes, and even decaying leaves in autumn produce more carbon dioxide than humans. The world's oceans are by far the largest contributor. I urge you, don't stop simply by reducing human emissions, please write your Congressman and demand that we drain the oceans, cap the volcanoes, and kill all the animals to save Earth from carbon dioxide.

You say that global warming was caused by increased pollution during the industrial revolution. Why was the Earth cooling up until the '70s, to the point that scientists claimed we were headed for "the Next Ice Age?" It wasn't until the energy crisis and economic slowdown of the '70s that temperatures began to rise again. I should note that Earth was much warmer than it is now during the Medieval Ages (must have been all those SUVs that they were driving) and yet, the world didn't end.

You also say that carbon dioxide fluctuations cause climate change, it's actually the other way around, but I'm out of space. I suggest that you check out a British documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" on Google Video. You may find it interesting.

Nathan Leiter

Sophomore, School of Mechanical Engineering

There was a lecturer Allen Alley who brought up the point about how scary it is that Politicians are making descions about the scientific future, while actually knowing very little about the topic themselves.

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