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Watch this Chrysler training film on transmission updates. I'll tell you up front that this is a fake training film. You have to listen to the subtle things they slip in to the text (i.e. referring to the manual and songbook). It took a lot of imagination to come up with the terms that they use. I hope this isn't something that's been around for a while. Enjoy.


Sorta reminds me of the IRS Q and A training film.

I don't care who you are..that's funny.


Well, well, well, I have recieved a lot of help and info from the members of this forum, but this was the best. My neighbour was having trouble with his 85 Reliant, it wouldn't move. We watched that film 232 times before we found the problem. So simple! The Girdle Spring was broken!:D :D :D

Well, well, well, I have recieved a lot of help and info from the members of this forum, but this was the best. My neighbour was having trouble with his 85 Reliant, it wouldn't move. We watched that film 232 times before we found the problem. So simple! The Girdle Spring was broken!:D :D :D

Did you figure it was the girdle spring by using the DRV2 equipment as seen on the video ? Interesting, they mention fault codes of 10RG's for the modal encapsulating unit. If you did use the DRV2, what was code the girdle spring generated..? I need to get one of those DRV2 checkers. Do you think Sears might have one..?

Just curious. ;)


I have not been able to find a DRV2, but I did find a DRV1 on ebay. It is the older model and is analog but does have all the same codes plus it includes ones for manual phase detractors as well as 6 volt magneto reflux marselvaine core specs, helpful on our trunks. A little more complex to use but it does come with the original manual. The same guy also has the original catalog that list the DVR1 and other helpful information. Dutch



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