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Ever find yourself quickly pulling off the road to see what you think may be a treasure at a garage/tag sale? Well, it happened to me this weekend. Walked away from it not once, but twice then bought the darn thing. The closer I got to my home with my "treasure", the more I thought to myself "what in the world did you buy that for!" Now, all I know is that it is SUPPOSE to be MoPar, who knows. I probably would feel better knowing that it is. Can someone give me positive identification on this? Thanks Guys. I can hear the laughter already!!!



I think 1949 Dodge Coronet .... definitely not '49 Plymouth. Similar to '50 Chrysler Windsor but the '49 Dodge Coronet looks right. I will post a photo.


Hey Johnny S., I believe you are correct! Thank you, and the others for your time and replies. Hummm, I guess all there is to do is buy the rest of the car, or find it a good home. I'll first see how it looks on the garage wall, unless someone on the forum really needs it. Again many thanks!


Actually, I did! They found a few Ford Mustang items, but nothing else was "old". Seems most of these items were not moved out with the old owners, so they had no idea what to do with them. Guess that I am pretty lucky to have found at the very least, a MoPar part, even though I had no idea as to what it was. Thanks again Guys. I think I may spend more time looking down the road, then looking down neighborhood driveways!!!:P

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