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A member of our local antique tractor club told me the other day that he had a NOS brake hose for my Plymouth, so this afternoon I went over to get the brake hose, plus I took him some older issues of the "Plymouth Bulletin" and "Vintage Truck" to read. While I was there he showed me his 1953 Dodge that he has had for a number of years. He uses it mainly in the summer time during haying.

Just wanted to share the photos,





Cool truck Bob, could use that up here at my place all summer long for hauling this or that, country living means more work.......LOL


Bob,when we were through the area a few years ago we went through Shokan I believe. there is a fellow there who creats metal sculpture ad furnitureout ofold car and parts, He has a big Rocket ship style thing in his yard. He is also into older cars. He made that pink and yellow flamed garden tractor body out of a P15.

Any way down the road east of his place is an old garage with a Dodge Dump with a snow plow on it. The bed is full of dirt and debris, and it been sitting to long that there are several 6 or 7 foot tall trees growing out of the bed. Have you ever been over that way and scouted the guys stuff out??? Mightbe agood excuse toget some miles on the coupe after its up and running again.




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