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After successfully center drilling the broken bolts that hold the intake/exhaust together, (all four broken before I got the truck) the fourth was jagged, recessed and drill hole off-center. Easy-out no go, i.e. multi- heating, banging, pb blaster, and static pressure on easy-out overnight nothing would budge the bolt. Now I know empirically, just what you guys mean when you say don't fool with separating the two halves.

I reassembled the two halves together, aligned the two with a straightedge along the ports, and securely clamped the two halves together.

I set up the manifolds in my utility sink and directing water from my spray aerator on each individual bolt hole I drilled my new 1/4" pilot holes with a spacer on the 1/4" drill bit. Tapped each with 5/16 X 18 Nat. course thread. Prior, I used too many drill bits. With the water only used two bits. :)



Now that's what I call thinking out of the box. I like your water-cooled bit idea. Never thought of it. I always used WDD40, or the like.

Glad you got your two pieces organized. Did you resurface the two mating surfaces? Where'dya get a gasket for that puppy?

Good luck.


GB-I did the same with the manifold in my 36 Plymouth last year-but had a much easier time. Got the gaskets from Roberts. Mike


I only have had my B1D a little over a month and am concentrating on the frame as of now. Everything is separated as I write; engine, frame, cab, box, ect.

I only worked on the manifolds to to place them in my electrolysis tank for de-rusting. No gasket, or resurfacing yet.

Jim Masters, VA Bch.;)

  grey beard said:

Now that's what I call thinking out of the box. I like your water-cooled bit idea. Never thought of it. I always used WDD40, or the like.

Glad you got your two pieces organized. Did you resurface the two mating surfaces? Where'dya get a gasket for that puppy?

Good luck.

If I have it cross referenced correctly, the gaskets are available at NAPA:


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