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Hi all, was returning form dropping my Son of at school about 9:00 AM, I am about 2 miles or so from home, see smoke rising up near my home.

I think to myslef, better not be my house.

Since I live in Farm Country, I figure someone is burning old straw bales or grass or something, as up this far north it's only seeding season for crops now, as it is a late spring.

As I get nearer my home, I see my house is fine, but look down the road about 1/4 mile, I have 3 neighbours, one house after the other, there all relatives.

I know th first house ar the old folks, they have a wood stove, so I go have a looksy, no fire there, but rioght next door there is smoke I go further down the road, the old garage, about 30 fet behind the house is on fire.

I see cars in the driveway, but the owners work van is gone.

I immediately phone 911, then as I am doing this pull infront of the hose, start honking the horn, and calling the lady of the house.

About 2 minutes go by, I figure I might have to go through the front door, my 3 YO daughter was in the Van with me.

Just then the lady of the house comes out, and starts moving the trucks away from the fire. She tells me she was in the shower, did not know the garage was on fire, and heard me honking and yelling.

The fire dept arrives, the garage burnt to the ground, on their black lab dogs was in the garage, but exited, without harm, the heat was so instense it melted the vinyl siding on the back of their house.

Now the strange part, this morning I wake up early, then go back to sleep start dreaming, in my dream, I trying to get some woman, unrecognizeable out of a shower, but it's all glass walls, and I am banging on the glass to get her out of the building for some reason.

Vey strange coincidence..................


No, but I Have had this happen before, no big deal, maybe just a coincidence most likely, but still a little strange when it happens to you.........

Rockwood, isn't that your everyday dream?

Glad noone got hurt !


Eeryday, when I am not thinking about my Old Mopar.....LOL:p

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