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Didja' all know that Amazon.com is nearly as big as e-bay now? Big difference is all the offerings are new and not used,

I have used Amazon as my favorite place to buy movies for the last 3-4 years. You can buy used DVD movies there as well as new. I got stung once. Bought a used movie and when it arrived there was a jacket only and no DVD inside. I contacted the seller and he promised to send another but failed to do so. I did not raise a big stink as I only paid one penny for the movie plus $2.99 shipping.



I'm getting ready to list an accessory ash receiver on eBay tomorrow. It's made to fit the pre drilled holes on the lower edge of a 48-50.

Are you interested in this?




I emailed the fellow who bought the fender steps on eBay from me for you and asked if he would sell them to you.

Here is his response.

"Hi Reg,

Sorry for the delay, and my apologies to the Dodge Truck Club guy... I need to keep the steps.

Please keep in mind that I'm a historical truck guy, and six of my 15 operational antique trucks are Dodges. They are all rare, and special in some way. Also, a pretty good collection of Dodge truck parts and literature. I will keep the steps in their original boxes and use them for display purposes only, in my "museum".

I'll leave it up to you if you want to show your friend item # 220351094935. It might piss him off more, or perhaps give hope that more are out there. Personally, I gave myself 50 lashes because I stopped to change my boots, and missed this auction by 12 seconds, after watching it for 6 days.

Stuff happens on eBay. Your friend can mail me his info, and I will keep it with the parts, in case things change. Thanks for the superior service. Regards... Dan "

I guess there is at least one thing to be learned from this little saga. Never .....ever.....stop to change your boots while shopping on the Bay.:rolleyes:


I guess there is at least one thing to be learned from this little saga. Never .....ever.....stop to change your boots while shopping on the Bay.:rolleyes:

Now THAT is a really good lesson to learn.........


Does anyone on here, either the car or truck side, look thru the "want to

sell" or "want to buy" ads of the forum? Sometimes there are interesting

things there.

Craigs List and that other thing with the strange name Kijiji (which means

a village in African lingo).......sometimes have stuff. Often times not, but

never hurts to look at each and any of those, along with the evil-bay.

I usually do a search on the bay for "(1946,1947,1948) Plymouth" - as the

( ) will bring them all up together. Then I go to the place on

the upper right and change it from "best match" to "newly listed" to see

what has come on most recently. You just have to look thru ebay on an

ongoing basis since it constantly changes. The "buy it now" can be a

good thing, but you usually need Pay Pal. I set up a new checking

account at my bank, just to use with Pay Pal......so if anyone were to

get into that account, they wouldn't be in my regular checking. There

is normally not a lot of $$ in that account. You can computer transfer

$$ into or out of PayPal.....with a 3 or 4 day waiting period.

The thing I try to look at on ebay is the shipping charges.....some guys

try to make extra money by having shipping costs which appear to be

a lot more than the item warrants by its size. Just my opinion.

I have posted ebay listings in the past.....but forgot momentarily

not long ago......got the same "reminder"/"reprimand" as certain

others got. But, they have a point. If you don't want a certain

thing badly enough to go to the trouble of wading thru ebay listings,

then why should you benefit from my posting it, because I recalled

someone looking for such an item sometime in the past?? And, that's

why I posted the last thing I did.....I remembered someone looking for

one, but not who it was, so I could not P M them.

Nothing wrong with sending someone a private message if you know

they want something. Reckon this all generally translates as "every

man for himself, in regards to ebay items".

Otherwise, I don't have any teeth marks from the mean ol "watchdogs"

on the "car side".



Who are these mean ol watchdogs:cool:

I seem to keep reading a lot of comments like this lately.....hmmmm.

Are you guys that blind to the brow beating us truck guys get???

lol.....I'm kidding. I think we need to fix this imaginary line. Cuz I think its just that....made up.



"Mean ol Watchdogs" (facetiously) includes anyone who cared to comment

about not posting current ebay listings on the forum.

I posted a listing not long ago......and received the same comments expressed at an earlier date ...

on that topic.

As far as I'm concerned, I deserved it, so, that just served to remind me not to post active listings......

but it didn't make me mad or hurt my feelings. They were just exercising their right to express their opinions.

I'm not sure if some folks on the "truck side" were aware of the

concensus of opinion regarding not posting listings......as it is not

a written rule of the forum. All I was saying is: I was included in

the thing about not posting listings, but it isn't going to make me

stay away......I'll just try to go with the flow.


"I'm not sure if some folks on the "truck side" were aware of the

concensus of opinion regarding not posting listings......as it is not

a written rule of the forum. All I was saying is: I was included in

the thing about not posting listings, but it isn't going to make me

stay away......I'll just try to go with the flow."

Actually Bob, I think the majority of those surveyed thought it was OK to post an eBay listing.

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