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I would remove the inner door panel so you can see better. Its been a while since I removed one but basically you remove the window and door handles by using a small punch to remove the pin that holds it on then a few screws on the arm rest and just remove the plugs or screws that hold the outer covering and you will have access to the whole door.


Thought there might be a way to get the door open first. I imagine I can get the inner door pannel off with it closed, but seems as thought it will be tough. Probably have to remove the seat then with the windlace tight, just had a new interior installed, but...Think the best way is to find a way to "catch" the door latch somehow so I can get it open, then removing the inner door pannel ect is a piece of cake...


This may sound dumb but I would get a second person to push from the outside while you hold the handle in the open position on the outside. Then wiggle it every direction you can think of. Lift too. I've done this in the junkyards quite a few times and they usually pop open.


He'll still have to take it apart to fix it but thats much easier when you manage to get the door open. Sounds like he has a nice interior he doesn't want to ruin which makes it even more difficult to open it.


Guys, Appreciate your input. Yes, I have new custom leather interior, don't want to mess it up. Actually I knew this might happen. Had a problem with the door opening for several months and failed to act, you know, no sense being stupid if you don't show it!! Anyway, got a manual and the same picture but was hoping there was a way to open the door from the window channel. Think the latch is broken at the release cog for the tumbler. I found a replacement latch, just waiting for shipment and hoping for some "sage" advice from this august forum!!!


Well, if you can see anything down in there by perhaps using a flashlight,

you might try using a length of fairly stiff wire to make something turn.


'Morning all. Got lucky last night. Pulled the interior door trim off and was trying to figure out how to release the latch when..the door came open!!! Trying to figure out how and why I noticed that the striker was reall worn, heavy abrasions on the top so I loosened and droped it down about and eigth of an inch and now the door works like a new one!! Appreciate all your input and hope all your poblems with your toys are as easily resolved as this one was for me. When I figure out how to use that new digital camera, I'll post some pictures. Have a great day!!


I think the scratches on top of the latch mean the door has sagged some

over the years. So you may have felt a little bump when closing the


By lowering the latch, you are now matching the present height of the

door and its portion of the catch.

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