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56 c3 & 47 wfa 32 dodge pu

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About 56 c3 & 47 wfa 32 dodge pu

  • Birthday 07/01/1976

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Earlimart, California
  • Interests
    searching for and buying old mopars
  • My Project Cars
    49 gmc truck & 46 plymouth special deluxe

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  • Biography
    car enthusiast
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  • Location
  • Interests
    old cars and trucks

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  1. Hey bisquik just want to say hi hope all is good with u and urs


    1. 59bisquik


      Thanks! I was just thinking about you guys and wondering how you were doing. I haven't seen an update in quite a while. As for us, things are good, just super busy with car show season in full swing and sand dunes season opening in 8 weeks. Way too much to do!

      Anyway, I hope all is well with you guys and thanks again for the note!



  2. we know that no cars were made in 44. We were thinking its a 53 or 54 just by the grill. And title no we got it mainly for the motor. Besides it didn't cost us nothing we traded a import that was given to us for it. A import that was broke down.
  3. We recently came across this Chrysler New Yorker deluxe with a fire power motor and yes it belongs to us now. Yes we have projects going on like the special deluxe but we put it on hold since it is far from being done and put it in storage. We focused on our truck which we are having our 235 motor machined right now. No its not a Dodge as you can tell by the numbers I just mentioned. Sorry its not a Dodge but its a good truck its just something that we know we can make it look nice and get it up and running so we can sale to buy a lot more Dodge's. Like our new recent find.... The New Yorker deluxe. We were told it is a 1944 but we believe its a 1954. We just went along with what the guy had said because he had no idea what he had under the hood. He said it runs but that is yet to be seen. We will let you know when we get around to it. It might be a while. We are just happy it is complete trim, hub cabs, interior, and everything. Only thing missing keys and visor....... Just wanted to touch base with everyone.
  4. Can anyone tell me where on our special deluxe we can find the vin number because the data plate is there the problem is it is unreadable.
  5. And we are still waiting on the parts from a forums member. Starting to take it as a loss since it is going on about 3 weeks or so.
  6. Just remember no charge to you. And you are very welcome.
  7. Yes it needed it and our progress is moving at a slow pace but we are at least making progress. We are waiting on some parts hopefully we get them soon.
  8. um if it causing you problems and you want to go back to stock/or before you put it thru the press I do believe that we got that part still, it's yours if you need it k. Michelle & Jerry
  9. Yeah the door we have. As for rust there is only surface rust and for it sitting in the middle of nowhere out in the country full of alkali the car is really solid.
  10. Yeah we have but we seem to have a hard time finding a travel trailer but finding these old cars seems to be very easy for us.... Thank you
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