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    dodge trucks and vehicles; vintage harleys n choppers
  • My Project Cars
    1951 dodge b3b truck


  • Location
    southern california
  • Interests
    old trucks and bikes

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  1. hello... i was wondering what would be either the correct tire size or a good tire size to run on my truck. i have a 1951 b3b running the stock 411 gear. she currently has what she came with, some worn out 225x50x15 in the front and some 31" all terrains in the back. i want to replace them with something nicer but also want what will be correct for gears. shes a cruiser, but i wouldnt being able to go a lil faster down the road. i would appreciate any help or info and thanks in advance
  2. thank you both for the info, it was the selector rod that needed adjustment. i made the adjustment, cleaned and lubed the parts and were all good she's shifting good. again thank you
  3. hey thank you for the response... i will check that out .

  4. hello and thank you in advance. i am a new dodge b3b owner and i luv this place lots of good stuff here. i have a 51 b3b, running the orig flathead 218 6 with 3 on the tree. i have been recently having trouble getting it into reverse and 1st. i did see that my bracket inside the hood on steering column is not there and the previous owners mickey moused it with some hose clamps. could this be the problem? and yes i need and want to fix that, but where can i get that part/ parts. i did see on one of the other post here that someone else had the sam prob with the hose clamp set up, figured i would post instead of going direct to someone as i have done before. again thanks for any and all tips and help. - erik
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