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    Long Island
  • Interests
    Old cars
  • My Project Cars
    1931 Desoto 1928 Chrysler

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  • Biography
    Newbe here always wanted old car to restore. Picked up a 1937 Dodge Sedan.
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    New York
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    Old cars

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  1. Thanks all for the good advice. Some more info, Ran when purchased Did not pull all the spark plugs but will Will also pull valve cover and check valve train Thanks again all !
  2. Hello all, Looking for some help with my 1928 Chrysler 52. Just did a compression test and Im getting little to no pressure. Not even sure what it should be. PO told me he put a new head gasket on so Im not sure if it needs to be redone. Other then repalcing the head gasket again maybe Im doing something wrong.
  3. Hello all, Looking for some help with my 1928 Chrysler 52. Just did a compression test and Im getting little to no pressure. Not even sure what it should be. PO told me he put a new head gasket on so Im not sure if it needs to be redone. Other then repalcing the head gasket again maybe Im doing something wrong.
  4. Hello All !!! Rich all is good ! . Unfortunately I got really sick and spent a great deal of time layed up. Just getting back on my feet. In my down time I found new set of rods, valve, timing chain etc. Piston not so much luck. Looks like I may need to have them manufactured.
  5. Dave rich Hartung here with a 39 Desoto. First questionare you a member of the National Desoto club?  I would suggest that you belong to the club.  Yes Egee is expensive but you get a quality product from them and figure that you are only going to rebuild the engine one time and this the heart and sole of your car. If the engine does not perform then the car is just a big anchor. Call me I have a catalog that covers some information on the Engine Components that were made by McqUAY Norris WHO WERE A MAJOR SUPPLIER OF ENGINE COMPONENTS. It list the pistons and other information

    I live near valley forge PA. Desoto1939@aol.com  Cell 484-431-8157  Home 610-630-9188

    1. Dones475


      Thank you sir I will give you a call.


  6. Thanks again...that's a tremendous amount of help . I give Egge a call and keep on looking for other sources.
  7. Thaks for the reply ! Knuckleyharley.. Mine is a flathead 6 and that is a little bit of $$$$. Going to keep on looking .
  8. Hello all, Still kinda of a newbe here....I just pickup a 1931 Desoto SA solid car but the engine needs rebuilding. The prior owner tore it down and it has at least 4 bad pistons.I'm finding replacement pistons are not that easy to come by. I would like to keep it as close to stock as possible. I the head has silverdome and SA 320030-1 on it. Not sure what direction to go if I can not find replacement pistons and rings.Have not been able to cross them either. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  9. Hello all, I lost the ignition coil nut that threads into the coil. I've searched E-bay and pretty much everywhere but have not been able to find one. I thought just putting a terminal and boot would work..... No spark Any suggestions or help would be appreciated ! Thanks
  10. Sorry no reply....Kinda new at this just trying to figure out how to reply. Anyway...mm cranks after stalling. Can only restart after a few hours. However, when it is running rough idle. ?? Thanks!!
  11. Thanks for the reply !Cranks after stalling....looking down carb still getting a good shot of fuel. After cooling for a few hours starts right up. It's is running a little rough at idle but smooths when given gas. None of the fuel lines are near manifold etc. Not sure what would cause "vapor" lock. I have a replacement coil maybe I swap it out and see what happens. Thanks for your help ! JM
  12. thanks for the reply ! I'm kinda new at this sorry... where is the breaker arm bushing located on distributor ?
  13. Have compression... fuel.... and spark.... she runs for about 10 minutes thane stalls.......going to try a few things this weekend.
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