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Everything posted by mikesinky

  1. Well idk what I'm doing wrong cause it don't show **** when i type it in. But if it's that hard for somebody to take a quick pic I'll just find it elsewhere
  2. Well I have tried the search function when I type in door weatherstripping nothing shows up
  3. Could someone post a pic of how far the weatherstripping goes on cab opening of a 50 b2b thanks
  4. Does anyone have a list of what it takes to replace the wing glass door to the full glass door, the parts to do the change with?
  5. i like it that he is just giving some recognition to the dodge. he could have been like most and just picked a chevy or ford and had everything he needed in a lmc book. i used some of eastwoods products when i did mine and liked them alot i still order stuff from them. getting ready to order a welder when i get my new garage built soon. i would put the wood floor in though it would look better in my opinion.
  6. you could also go to breaks interstate park. considered the grand canyon of the east. and see pikeville ky where they relocated the river filled it in and moved the town in what is considered by some as one of the largest engineered cut through projects ever done. make it in the fall and see the beautiful landscape with the colorful trees or if your in pikeville in spring you could always come during hillbilly days and support the shriners. just some things to do in the eastern part of the state.
  7. i got a nice black leather wheel cover from here too i like it alot. i think it was around 50 bucks. i am going to keep my original column but am going to try and put power steering on it.
  8. has anyone put an underdash ac in their pilothouse and if so who did you use.
  9. if its like my 50 model the back lifts off to get behind it
  10. i made one and bolted it in just for support. the s 10 i got it out of had rods attached to the bellhousing from the trans and a crossmember so i would think a crossmember would be a good idea.
  11. just had to take some pics. of my truck to send to insurance to get it transfered so i thought i would post them on here
  12. why not just pull brake drum off. i cant really remember its been along time when i did mine but i think its just a cotter pin and nut. i pulled my fluid drive without removing all of that.
  13. i had mine recored on my 50 b2b pretty pricey around 450 if i remeber right. they put a bigger tubed core in so i wont have to worry about it stopping up again.
  14. sometimes if you use the wrong mixture or even a different type of oil other than the brand of the machine it will gum up your carb and let it run a little but not full throttle. i have fixed alot of people weedeaters that have this problem. taking the carb apart and soaking it in carb cleaner usually works for me. i use the gallon kind of carb cleaner at napa the spray can stuff doesnt do the job all the time soak it and put a new kit in and see if it dont help.
  15. dont know if they would have it or not but vintage power wagons might be able to help
  16. yes its an all stock s 10 t5 only thing is i had to cut a little off the end of the front input shaft bearing retainer. i had a shop drill and tap the holes in the bellhousing for me and yes i did use langdons kit. i used a cp4201 ( i think was the no.) clutch plate other than that it was pretty easy. i have a lokar shifter i am fabbing it up i will put some pics up when i get everything bolted in. i looked the ratios up but i dont remember now what they were.
  17. go to the harley museum in milwaukee you will see more bikes than you can look at in a day. we went when i went to wisconsin to pick up my truck. wish i could have spent more time in there but had to get back to ky. you could spend a weekend in there easy i would highly recommend it if your there and have the time.
  18. not a big snow but pretty to look at.
  19. cant quit my job hank it pays the bills and the way there going i am going to have to work til i die anyway. i am going to do something lucrative though putting dual intake and exhaust in next.
  20. had to paint it and the clutch pedal its drying now, will put it all back together tomorrow have it ready for the driveshaft. then i got to hook up the brake pedal making a differnet bracket for it since i got more room now easier to get too.
  21. thanks to tinlizzy and goatram- for the parts i now have my t5 installed. here are some pics. going to get the driveshaft made next week dont know how long it will take them hopefully not long.
  22. i hope you have better luck than me too. i flushed and flushed mine til i thought i had it in good shape. then when i started driving it it overheated cost me a head gasket and warped head. had to have radiator recored. my advice would be to do it now like the guy told me those tubes are small to begin with and 60 years of setting rusting away stops them up really easy. just my opinion
  23. vaccum leak might cause it to run rough
  24. thats a nice looking truck
  25. no problem i will try to get some of it tomorrow of what i have done then when i get the parts i need.
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