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jpartington last won the day on March 25 2018

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105 Excellent

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hampton, MN
  • My Project Cars
    1952 B-3-D


  • Location
    Hampton, MN
  • Interests
    Working on my truck, House Updates, Landscaping, four wheeling, hiking

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  • Occupation
    Piping Designer

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  1. Also look what finally happened tonight. Finally worked up the courage to drill some holes and mount the hood ornament. I’m liking the new look. Now I’m just finishing up my red paint on the chrome grill badge and that will go on tomorrow night.
  2. I have some of the plastic style as seen in brents video. Like I said I have 2 brown and 2 black, but I want to go with black ones, so I ordered a couple of replacements from Dcm. So will install when they show up.
  3. Yes zinc plated and painted black on outside.
  4. I have a couple of the ones that Brent showed and a couple of home made ones. I ditched the home made ones and found two more that match my style awhile back but didn’t notice mine were black and the two others I found were brown. But I have seen some metal ones too so I was just wondering which type is more fitting for my truck.
  5. Anyone know anything about this?
  6. And if anyone is interested in hearing about it. I recently purchased a new reproduction tank from mopar pro. Side by side to my original tank, they looked pretty close to identical. No extra brackets were needed, it bolted right up to the original mounting location.
  7. Got the new fuel tank all installed. Fuel gauge works now! Ran new fuel lines and got the truck running again. Now I have to get back to some more of the cosmetics. My truck is going to be in an upcoming wedding so trying to get it all buttoned back up. can anyone tell me what the correct escutcheons look like for a 52? I have seen a couple of different styles.
  8. Perfect thanks everyone. in other news, I got my fuel gauge to work (while sending unit was outside of the tank). I just took the panel unit apart and scratched up the grounding surfaces a bit, since they had paint on them. Put it back together and it works now. Now to install sender back in new tank and put it all back in truck and see how it works.
  9. Thanks so much for the info. I also ended up finding these. do these look right also?
  10. Ok I don’t seem to have any of those, any idea where I can get some new ones?
  11. While I’m trying to figure out the fuel gauge, can anyone tell me how the window seal/channel attaches to the door?
  12. I ran a temp ground to the mounting screw. Now I can get it to read full and empty but nothing in between. I tried testing the range with an ohm meter by my meter is all over the place, I think it’s time for a new meter. I am hoping I have the right sending unit since I just got a brand new one from molar pro.
  13. So it grounds through the 2 mounting screws that hold the pod to the dash?
  14. So I’m trying to get my fuel gauge working and I’m having some struggles. I got a new gas tank so I’m trying to get my gauge to work since I have the old one out. I have run a wire from the gauge unit directly to the tank unit and moved the arm on the tank unit and it goes from empty right to full and stays there. Is there a different way I should be testing it?
  15. Nah 180 looks the same. I’ll give them a shout tomorrow. If they say it’s the right diaphragm I’ll just poke some new holes I suppose.
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