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    New to Chrysler but love old cars
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  1. Thank you all for the help and suggestions. I have samples from SMS for materials. I am not going to do my own stitching. Just doesn't interest me. I did however order some of those NOS covers. They are decent, and I figured for under $400 in materials with new foam I will just do it myself until I get with a local upholstery place here to have it done right with OEM style materials. I got the foam the other day and the NOS covers. I will take some pics when I get around to actually working on this! Very much looking forward to it.
  2. Wow thanks Joe! Your searching skills are much better than mine. I always struggle when trying to find things. That one you sent is pretty close.
  3. Thank you both. Sorry I didn't have the front seat, and it is completely gone. I will try to search around to find some NOS covers. If you find anything I would be in a big debt to you! I will contact some local shops to see what they will do, but I would love to do it myself
  4. Looking for some expert help here. I would love to do the interior myself. I know I can order SMS fabric to match, question I have is. Is there anyone that makes pre sewn seats for our cars? Even if it is not the original fabric, just curious. I have redone several older cars, 1951 and 1971 and 1997 Chevy trucks. But I have rebuilt the foam and then simply put on a pre-sewn seat cover on it. This is one you hog ring on and not a slip on cover. I want a permanent fix. I dont' have the skills or the equipment to sew it from scratch. So curious if anyone any input here. PS car just turned over 41k miles this year!
  5. Amazing. Man what an awesome color. Fantastic job on the body work!!!
  6. Thanks for bringing this thread up to the top! I will have to do something sometime soon. I have a broken coil...
  7. Well I actually had some time to work on this. Sure enough that pin had backed out! You guys are the best. So to make sure this didn't happen again, I got my punch out and hit the side of the pump itself, as well as put some JB weld over both sides. Hopefully that will hold. We are back up and running!
  8. You know I have been tossing this around. I did this very thing on my 52 GMC truck. New tank, pump, SS fuel lines. Carb rebuild. And in the 10 years and well over 12K miles I never once had a problem. That was nice to just get in it and drive and not have to worry. I just looked on the tank inc and at least online they don't offer one for my 50 Chrysler windsor. I will give them a call. I see Andy B has one @ $350. Still not a terrible price. Thanks for the tips for the fuel lines too. Yes if or more likely when I end up doing the tank, the lines and all that will be replaced as well. On my 52, it was really easy they had some prebent ones, obviously shorter due to the tank being behind the back seat. But This run doesn't look too bad at all. Thank you for the tip here! That could potentially save me a big headache!!! No time last night to work on this unfortunatly. Hope to find some time tomorrow. I get withdrawls if I don't drive it a few times a week:)
  9. Wow you guys are just great. Thanks so much. I will pull my pump off right now to see what the deal is. Maybe the pin just came loose. There is a barb fitting on the suction side of my pump so it could accept a rubber fuel hose. Doesn't look stock to me, but I didn't check to see if there was a screen. However I did blow compressed air through that and it came out free and clear. Also I put the glass bowl back on and it filled up no problem. So I I am pretty confident that I have fuel to the pump.Not saying that some thing else is lurking in there waiting to clog up again. I did look in the tank and there is some rust, but I tried to stir it around with a stick and it seems to be stuck. But that is just at the part I could see through the float hole. Thanks for the links and tips. I have some more reading to do now to see what I want to do. First I plan to pull my pump to see what its deal is. Then possibly a rebuild or a new one or both, so I have a spare if need be. Thanks again. I hope to have some time tonight to check it out!
  10. I possibily have the same issue here. Glad you guys are here and aware of what is going on. This may have just saved me some money instead of buying a new pump. Going to pull mine off and inspect. I had the same problem. Driving down the road and then bam no fuel. http://p15-d24.com/topic/41363-left-me-stranded
  11. This is interesting. Thanks for the tip. So is there a way to prevent that pin from slipping back out again? Sorry it maybe obvious once I pull the pump I have thought about an electric pump as well. I really don't want to go down that route yet. I like having the car as original as possible.
  12. Well i haven't posted in a while, busy. Had our 3rd child, finally got me a little girl:) New job and lots of yard work. Still driving the 50 windsor. Driving it around at least 3 times a week. Well it broke down on me. Driving down the highway and bam like I was out of gas. You have to love old cars, I pop the hood and no fuel in the clear filter. So I have it towed back home. I have the original style pump. I have no idea how old it is. The fuel lines are a bit rusty, there is some rust that came out. I probably need to replace them, but for right now I just need a fuel pump. I have pulled all lines out and they are running clean and clear. The feed line to the pump will free flow and clear. The other line up to the carb is clear as well. Anyway the discharge line from the pump, I can siphon it out, but when cranking over the engine, not a drop of fuel comes out. So I am assuming my pump is shot. Where do you all source these pumps from. I see Kanter has them for $100. I just need the single action as I have electric wipers. https://www.kanter.com/productdetail.aspx?Mak=Chrysler&Ov=1&Yr=1950&Dv=1&Dpt=1500&Sb=0&Vdr=&Itm=&MDv=1&MDpt=0&MSb=0&Cat=42&Prc=184 Rock auto says they have 2 and AIRTEX 73201 Mechanical Pump for $62 bucks and a Looks like napa has this very pump for $100 bucks https://www.napaonline.com/napa/en/p/AFP73201/AFP73201_0192514330 SPECTRA PREMIUM / COOLING DEPOT SP1296MP Mechanical Pump for $120 Any experience with these pumps? Any luck at the local autocrats stores. I have them all here. On my old 52 GMC I could get just about everything at napa and car quest. Any help would be very appreciative.
  13. This is amazing. Love the pics. Perfect
  14. Love all the pics. Thanks again. And yes, you are a pro! Both in your work and literally. You have paying customers!
  15. wolfy

    Hit and Run

    Just an update, car is at the body shop now. I wish I would have taken more before pics and even before the hit. As I mentioned above the fender the girl hit was at least the only panel on the car that had been painted before. It was slightly darker then the rest of the car. Can't wait to see how it came out! The shop it went to is a great bunch of true car guys. One owner and a few other guys there. Very happy to have found them! Hope to get it back either tonight or tomorrow! It maybe next week if I can't get there in time. I suppose I will post up some pics;)
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