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  • My Project Cars
    1949 dodge wayfarer business coupe

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    bodybuilding / classic cars


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    chassis frame

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  1. does anyone know where i can buy a sleeve for the yoke mine is liitle worn out cause when i replace the pinion seal 4 days later it starts to leak again
  2. i replace all the spark plugs wires , distributor, condensor, breaking points , spark plugs and coil and the car still doesnt start. In the beginning i remove all the spark plug wires and coil so i can paint the engine when i put the wires back i put the wrong wires in wrong order and then i i fix that problem and also i remember i was trying to paint the fan on the engine and i moves it with my hands after that , the car never start. can anyone help me here thanks
  3. anyone know anything about adding automatic transmission fluid on a 1949 dodge wayfarer business coupe cause i add it on the passenger side and fluid was pouring from bottom
  4. does anyone know how to put automatic transmission fluid on a 1949 dodge wayfarer cause i pour some on the passenger side plug and it started to pour out from the bottom does anyone have pic of the transmission and clutch so i can do it right
  5. have a 1949 dodge wayfarer is it good to flush out my engine or just change the oil
  6. does anyone have a picture of a 1949 dodge wayfarer steering wheel so i can see whats inside the steering wheel horn button because when i connect the wire to the plate the horn goes on im wondering if there should be a rubber in the middle of the plate to keep it from grounding thanks
  7. does anyone have a picture of the steering wheel so i can see whats inside the horn cap and the rest of it im trying to figure out if im missing anything for my horn to work cause i connect the wire to the plate it goes off and i thought that when u press the horn ring down it would go off i have a 1949 dodge wayfarer coupe thanks
  8. yes there is a spring on the 49 when i connect the wire to the brass with a hole in the middle the horn will go off i figure when i connect the wire in the middle and then press down on the horn ring it would go off but its constantly going off so im trying to find anyone with a a picture of inside the horn button to see if there anything missing
  9. i finally got to find out which is the connections for the horny relay but i notice when i connect the wire on the steering wheel the horns goes on i dont understand i thought that when i press the ring down it will go off but it remains on is there something missing on my steering wheel i have the ornament retainer , the retainer , the horn blowing ring , blowing ring contact plate is there something missing that i need please help thanks
  10. i have a 1949 dodge wayfarer business coupe does anyone know how to connect the wires on the horn relay and also to the steering wheel i cant get it to work on the steering wheel is there something missing on the horn button on the steering wheel please someone guide me thanks Moderator edit: I've started a new thread for this at http://p15-d24.com/topic/37982-1949-dodge-wayfarer-horn-button-and-connections/
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