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dirty dan

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Everything posted by dirty dan

  1. On I-10 just east of Lafayette, Louisiana you'll drive across the Atchafalaya swamp (largest swamp in the US). Watch your speed on this 18 mile+ bridge. The posted speed limit is 60 mph and the Louisiana State Police and the Parish (County) Police departments are serious about that speed limit there. Most other places (on the interstates) you're good until 10 mph over the posted speed limits. If you stay on I-10 (instead of going across I-12 to Miss) you'll drive through New Orleans, not my favorite place, but is very popular with the tourists and everyone should go to the French Quarter at least once in their lives. (Don't make any "bets" with the local hustlers in the Quarter.) Also, the National WW2 museum is in New Orleans and it is fantastic. Eat some seafood while you're in New Orleans. Try a 5 star while you're there, but also stop at a Mom & Pop cafe to see what the locals really eat. After experiencing seafood it in south Louisiana, you'll be forever disappointed with seafood anywhere else. New Orleans is only @ 90 miles from Biloxi, so you could make a day trip while you're there. When you leave New Orleans cut through Metairie back to I-12 and you'll drive across the Huey P Long Causeway across Lake Pontchartrain (longest bridge in the world). It's a toll bridge and will cost 2 or 3 dollars. North of Baton Rouge is the Port Hudson battlefield and numerous plantation homes. There are also many of the antebellum period plantation homes in south Louisiana closer to New Orleans. LSU is in Baton Rouge and a drive through the beautiful campus isn't too much of a detour from I-10. Stop for a moment and see the LSU Tiger's mascot...his "home" is amazing in itself. (I-55 will take to I-10 just before it goes into New Orleans)
  2. Thanks for the info. I'll be getting with you for some panels later this month.
  3. Did a similar thing to my local NAPA counterman. It was more of an astonished look when I told him I needed parts for a 1979 Chevette. Father in law gave us a kit car ('29 Mercedes) built on a Chevette driveline. I got to thinking about it, and I can't remember the last time I saw a Chevette on the road. Man those things were junk.
  4. Our local Autozone parts boy told my son that he shouldn't put a 165 degree thermostat on his 1971 Bronco because "it will mess up your computer". In south Louisiana, you can't go wrong with NAPA.
  5. Had that problem on a 71 LTD years ago. Took forever to find it. No spark with a warm engine, and when everything cooled down it would run fine. Here's a decent article on what happens... http://www.jackscars.net/coil_failure.html
  6. That's the first thing that came to my mind.
  7. I had the SLT a while back. Wasn't really painful, but the results didn't last but a few months for me. It did leave me seeing a rainbow halo around lights for about 8 weeks. Good luck with yours.
  8. Hook the wire back and see if that relay heats up when you try to crank your engine.
  9. If it was running and quit after getting wet, WD40 applied generously to the ignition may be the temp fix. It's pretty good at moving moisture out. I would replace the ignition as soon as practical.
  10. That's familiar! I live about 2 miles from I-12 Exit 10. Aside from being rough it's congested. I work @ 1 mile from Exit 1 and it's usually a 45 minute drive in the afternoon.
  11. Yeah! We're number 1!!! South Louisiana does have some terrible roads. It's difficult to build an Interstate on ground similar to jello.
  12. 65 and sunny in Baton Rouge today. I have two fireplaces (no basement) and a cord of firewood usually lasts through two winters.
  13. Maybe you should go start your own Mopar forum, Michael.
  14. The same reason people sell lighters for $100.00...Because some idiot will pay it.
  15. Bye. Good riddance.
  16. Yep. Works fine on mine.
  17. OK, I guive up. Where's your coil?
  18. Frankie, you really need to go to the CWS when LSU is in town (prolly not this year). Arrive an hour or two before LSU plays and strike up a conversation with the LSU fans that are tailgating. They're the friendliest people you'll ever meet and they'll feed you Cajun food that will knock your socks off.
  19. Good info... Thanks guys. I own a Haynes manual for that truck, but I can't put my hands on it. For some reason it makes a difference on the right ( I think it was) front hub. I know this vehicle has 3 sensor points which are both front wheels plus the differential. I'll check it over when I get it home from the gear shop tomorrow. They aren't giving those hubs away!
  20. Last weekend I started hearing a whine from the rear end of my 2004 Ram 1500. Sounded like the pinion bearing(s) going. Put the truck on the jacks and ran up to @ 25 mph and had some pretty good rumbling coming out of the back. Shut off the truck and grab the drive shaft at the chunk, can't get any play but can see an oil leak from the pinion seal. I left the truck with Zimmer Gears in Baton Rouge (an excellent rearend shop). They call me back the next day and tell me my bearings are good. Say the only thing they noticed that the adjusting bolts outside the carrier bearing caps were only finger tight. After much discussion I told them to go ahead and replace the pinion seal, and while doing so replace the crush and check/correct the gear pattern, ensure it's correct and button it up. I just got a call from them a few minutes ago telling me my truck was ready. When I asked the mechanic if they got the whine out. He replied, "Yep, it's quiet enough now for you to hear your front wheel bearing going out". So I got that to do this weekend! Now all I have to do is figure out whether I have 2 wheel or 4 wheel ABS on it! Any suggestions on how I can tell by looking? Truck has speed sensors on both front wheels and differential.
  21. I do. I work with a guy that says he can show me how to repair thoses old clocks. I want to give it a try.
  22. You should send me the clock. I can toss it for you!
  23. The smoking laws are made by each State and local governments. Here in Louisiana, you cannot smoke in restuarants or government buildings. You can smoke in businesses that are strictly bars (not attached to a restuarant) and casinos. I was in Kentucky a few years back (a tobacco growing State) and people were allowed to smoke just about anywhere they wanted. I have a serious problem with government telling business owners whether their patrons can or cannot smoke in a business that doesn't belong to the government. If a patron doesn't like the fact that people are smoking, he's free to leave and patronize a business that doesn't allow smoking. If a waiter doesn't want to be exposed to smoking, he can quit and seek employment where smoking isn't allowed. I've grown sick of our "nanny" government here in the US.
  24. You can't smoke on Saturday mornings in Michigan?
  25. That's great, and you can never take enough pictures. My Dad died at 53. I wish he was around to help tinker on my P-15. He would have loved it. Only problem would be that he would be retired now and doing all of the work on my car while I'm here toiling at the office!
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