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Everything posted by ledfootslim

  1. Ok, I tried taking a wire off the brake switch and it did nothing. With the wire off the second post on the headlight switch the headlights, brake lights and backing lights all come on. The turn signals still don't work. I am using a new switch like this one. Does anyone know where that second wire goes on the headlight switch? There are four plug ins and two posts, and I know that one post gets the hot wire on it, but I can't find what the other is for and it seems to be the one causing problems.....
  2. So long as the top wire is off, the headlight, tailights and everything but the brake and turn signals work. If I put it back on, nothing works. So does this mean the short is somewhere in the brake/turn signal route?
  3. I still don't have turn signals, though. I'm about to go mess with it some more, see what I can find out.
  4. Ok, I took the wire off the other post, the ground or negative, I'm guessing, and the ammeter is no longer charging and the lights work. Is this helpful?
  5. None of the wires leading out of the switch were hot last night. I'll test it further today. How would I test if the switch is bad or shorted out? Thanks guys!
  6. Thank you for the quick response! Yep, my ears literally filled with sweat in this position- not fun! But what I signed up for when I bought the old lady. Hopefully I can weasel away from work early tomorrow and start tracing those wires. And I guess I can go ahead and put the other one back on since it was supposed to be there
  7. It has been in the mid-90's here in Arkansas and Lady Grey has been doing fine in it! She stays at about 170 most of the time, about 180-190 in traffic or driving slowly down a dirt road. I'm running about 50/50.
  8. I have been dailying my 1948 Desoto to work for the past few weeks and she has been doing great, in 100 degree weather and everything. Today, coming home from work I noticed a clicking sound, much like a turn signal, but couldn't locate it while driving. I got home, got some chores done and went back out the the garage and it was still clicking! I finally pin-pointed it to the inside of the headlight switch. Inside of it I could see a little spark and and arm that snapped back and forth with every spark. The ammeter would jump back and forth along with the spark as well. This was all with the key off, turning the key on made no difference. The hot wire for the switch was reading a constant six volts with key on or off, so I detached that and the clicking stopped of course, then I ran a wire from the heater to the hot wire post on the headlight switch. It still clicks, but now only when the key is on. I have no lights at all, turn signal, brake, anything. I took a video of it which is very low quality of course, but you can see the spark and the arm switching back and forth. Has anyone had this problem or have a suggestion? I'd appreciate it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROHfbfYSAX0&feature=youtu.be
  9. Ok, I got the new plunger and after soaking it in gasoline as per the instructions, I just checked it for fit in the chamber and it gave a big squirt. Got everything buttoned back up and it accelerates perfectly now. Thanks again for the help guys!
  10. Thats a sweet little car! Better buy it before I find out where it is!
  11. The chamber was full of gas, so I couldn't tell if the balls were seating. When I put the new one in, is there a good way to drain the chamber to check?
  12. Ok, I soaked the old one overnight and stuck it back in, but still no squirt. I ordered a new one and it should be to NAPA by wednesday.
  13. Great, thanks very much! I'll try my old one tomorrow and see if I need to get a new one. Should I clean the oil off of it other than just wiping it off before re-installing?
  14. I think this is one- looks like it'll work? http://www.ebay.com/itm/ACCELERATOR-FOR-CARTER-1-BARREL-BB1-CARBURETOR-39-60-DODGE-TRK-CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-/321153233598?hash=item4ac63972be&vxp=mtr
  15. Ok, I have the leather soaking, but it is pretty cracked and looks shrunken. Is there a place where you can get a good replacement? I tried ebay, but didn't have any luck. And is there anything I should do to remove the oil from it, or should I just install it like it comes out of the oil? Thanks!
  16. Ok, I lied. Double checked and it is no longer squirting good. Shows what I get for talking too soon. So I guess I'm gonna do some searching here on the forum, I seem to remember a few topics on the accelerator pump. And Plymouthy, I am running electronic ignition and set the timing yesterday to 10 btdc.
  17. Yep, its squirting good. I think the carburetor is doing good.
  18. Well, my 15 year old beater-car broke down a while ago, so Lady Grey is my daily for the time being, which I love! It means that anyone who rides with me doesn't have a choice about what we drive, even if we have to leave earlier and plan the trip a little more to compensate for a seventy year old car's speed and other limits. I am really getting a better handle on driving the old lady, but I am still having a little trouble at take-offs. If I try to start in high-range it will almost always sputter and die if I don't accelerate as slowly as possible, just barely rolling along. I'm not trying to drag-race or anything, but it makes it very difficult to pull onto any kind of highway etc. So what are some of the things that could cause this? I have tried many alterations in timing, and it seems to do best at about 10 bdc. The head was shaved about ninety thousands to eliminate warp, so the compression should be higher than stock by a bit. Should this mean I should retard the timing a little more? Thanks in advance for the help, and hope everyone had a great Independence Day!
  19. Very cool build! I bet it runs like a scalded cat!
  20. That should work- I'm not sure why it is twisted, but I would attach it that way and see if it starts.
  21. The ignition wire should originally have gone to the negative side of the coil, if you are still running a positive ground setup. The other side of the coil just gets grounded.
  22. I used a pair my grandad had left over from an eighties Ford Ranger. They required a little trimming, but were a nice fit.
  23. Lady Grey hauled six healthy adults, her largest load of passengers yet, around some Ozark back-roads yesterday, to our favorite picnic spot. So much more fun than if we had taken a new car
  24. I sent you a pm.
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