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Everything posted by soth122003

  1. Hey Bmartin, Like I said in a previous post, I replaced the front hard lines, and all the soft lines, rebuilt one front wheel cyl., and rebuilt the MC. I went round and round for 2 days bleeding the brakes. Then I cleaned out the relief port. Presto had hard pedal after 1 inch. Before that I had no pedal till 2 inches, then soft pedal for 5-7 inches, then hard pedal for the last inch to the floor.
  2. Hey Tony, Thanks for the check balls. Put them in today and BOOM BABY!!! Runinning like a champ. I forgot to measure them though. Oh well I hope not to need them for a long long time. Here are some pics of the car.
  3. I jusrt finished the brakes on my 48 P-15 Special. My pedal was doing the same thing even after adjusting the shoes and bleeding the system, rebuilding the MC and one of the wheel cylinders.. Turns out it was the relief port on the MC. It was clogged up which would not allow the piston in the MC to return to its starting position. The brake spring was bringing the pedal bak to normal and the piston would slowly come back. So when I applied the brakes, the pedal had about 2" of play followed by low pressure to about 1" from the floor and then hard pressure. I used a bread twist tie to clear the relief port. Once that was done the brakes work like a champ.
  4. Hi all, I'm new here. I just bought a 1948 P-15 Special Deluxe and rebuilt the Carter B&B carb. The kit did not have the check balls in it and my carb was missing the accelerator pump check ball. Does anyone know what size it is? I found a site that sells them but I not sure of the size. The check balls they sell are either 5/32nds or 1/8". Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hi all, I just bought a 1948 P-15 Special Deluxe and a friend of mine let me borrow his Motor's Repair manual. This book covers all cars from 1935 to 1952. Excellent how to book.
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