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About librado65

  • Birthday 07/08/1990

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  • Interests
    Lowrider Bombs. 40s through 50s cars and trucks. Old school music.
  • My Project Cars
    1950 Dodge Coronet Coupe

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  • Biography
    Low and Slow
  • Occupation
    Mixing Chemicals in Dexters Laboratory


  • Location
    Sebring, FL
  • Interests
    40s-50s era cars

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  1. Well the situation is I bought the car running and in good original condition several years ago. Then the original engine threw a rod, basically exploded and cracked. So a guy from one of the FB groups sold me another 230 engine. I took it to a shop (that is all about working on classic cars) and told them that before they install the engine, I wanted to know if engine needed an overhaul. They said not necessary and any smoke was due to old engine oil just burning. Well, several years later, car still smokes like a train. I would tinker on it but I just dont have time like I used to anymore and quite frankly I dont have the energy. I drive across the country 4 weeks at a time and only come home for a week. During that week, I try to catch up on family, friends, sleep, catch up on house work and chores. I also drive a company truck and haul Tanker so I cannot take the engine with me. Im just trying to find a reliable mechanic/shop that'll take on the job since I'm willing to pay for their work/service obviously. But man on man is it becoming hard for me. I would go ahead and do the v8 swap if need be, just to be able to drive the car again...but even that hasn't yielded me any results. Thanks for allowing me to vent. I just never thought I'd feel so sad about a car as if it were a person.
  2. I was under the impression that they were simple to work on as well. But I just haven't had any luck. I, personally, don't have time to work on it due to my job. Thanks for the reply
  3. Just needed to clear my head as Im an over the road truck driver and hardly home (long haul both USA/Canada) and my 50 Coronet has been stressing me out... I posted on here a few months back about my flathead issues: non stop smoking...was told by local mechanic that the piston rings are worn out. So I figured that I would do a v8 swap since the shop couldn't rebuild it or even find a machinist in town to work on the flathead. Car sat and I eventually got it towed back home because they just wouldn't work on the car. Fast forward, I met a fellow Mopar guy on here (or was it on FB groups?)...who has been kind of enough to recommend a mechanic in his area of Florida. I had the Coronet towed to that shop. They tell me the issue is piston rings, as well. But they do not have the knowledge to rebuild the flathead engine. So fellow Mopar guy from here had another source, but this other source are backed up in rebuilding engines for at least 6months. The car has sat for going on a year and half now. I come home once a month to central Florida for a week from being on the road and just get sad looking at the Coronet parked. I just want to cruise in the Coronet. Im currently on the road as I type this and I'm just feeling so defeated that I have not had any luck on getting my Coronet back on the road meanwhile all I do is drive a 18wheeler for a job. Sorry I just needed to vent to the Mopar crew.
  4. So I just realized Butch cool stuff isn't around anymore. Who sells the 230 flathead conversion/swap kit motor mounts for the small block mopar engine and transmission nowadays? My 230 needs a rebuild; after considering the price of rebuilding; as well as this is the 2nd 230 I've gone through with my 50 Coronet; I'd rather just put in a v8 mopar. But I can't find any of the kits I remember seeing online many years ago to put in a 318/360 by Butchs cool stuff. I would want to stay with the 230, but being that my job has me out on the road and don't get to drive the Coronet much, I think the v8 would satisfy my needs with the little time I do get to drive it when home. Anyways, does anyone know where I can find a reputable engine swap kit like Butchs cool stuff used to sell? *The 1st 230 was the engine that came with the car but threw a rod and was no bueno anymore. The 2nd current 230 has been smoking nonstop. I asked shops for pricing on partial/complete rebuild and I'm better off going with v8 swap economically in my opinion*
  5. Where does the spring go? The book shows a spring but its not clear where or how it hooks up to latch. Thank you very much for pics.
  6. Need a picture of how latch bolts onto fender please.
  7. Thanks for the those pics! Def needed the reference guide. Btw love the progress on your build
  8. Helping put back together the front clip on a 1948 Dodge d24 sedan. But having a confused moment on how the 2 hood attach (open and close) onto the fenders. I have the body and sheet metal book but doesn't necessarily show they attach or latch onto the fenders. Can anybody post some pictures for me or video of how the hood opens and closes, please?
  9. Thanka guys I hear all of y'all. I'm honestly going to throw in the towel and take this as mechanic screwed me over. He should've just told me that this engine needed a rebuild instead of pulling a fast one on me and installing it without either being honest with me or just throwing it it to try to earn some quick cash. Or maybe his reputation in town as the local hot rodder guy is just among those into chebys and ford's...who knows? Anyways I don't have enough time in the day to work much on the engine as the year ends. I think Im going to either wait and have car sit AGAIN or see what I can do in the meantime for a rebuild. I'll be going to CDL for trucking classes soon so I'll be away from home quite a bit. I was just hoping to cruise in the '50 until the wheels fell off before parking it away.
  10. I managed to put in the new spark plugs... broke the thermostat bolt so I had to replace that and add coolant before starting it up again with the new spark plugs. Its still smoking even after idling for 15mins. Will try to post pics of spark plugs tomorrow if it doesn't get too dark before I get home
  11. Uploaded a video of the spark plugs upclose BUT I already got them mixed up smh https://youtube.com/shorts/A91zflPc2yY?feature=share
  12. I actually bought new spark plugs and pulled these out this morning.
  13. Oil pressure once engine is hot is at 40 and high rpm goes up to 50
  14. Well sorry I have not been able to update. Ive been super busy with work, trying to go back to school and try to switch careers. I got a "reputable" local mechanic (by the local classic car guys at local car shows) to install the engine for me but I honestly am not too happy with the work he did at the price he did it for. I had told his shop that I wanted engine checked and if it needed to be worked or rebuilt then I was prepared to do thatbefore installing engine back in. I am having white (almost light gray) smoke coming out of the exhaust ever since I bought the car home. Mechanic told me it was just old oil or sludge in the engine that needed to be burnt out and would be solved by changing the oil a few times. I have changed oil 5 times now. He installed 10w30 and then I changed the oil with 30 non detergent oil. Then I switched over to 15w40 (due to recommendations of an old school mechanic neighbor). So far Im still getting the smoke out of exhaust. I tried a combustion leak test but the blue liquid never turned yellow/green so I don't know if I did it right. Guys on the FB groups say its the headgasket. Exhaust smoke only appears once engine has warmed up and is consistent especially when accelerating. During the process of trying to figure out the smoke from exhause I also noticed 1 of the headbolts was leaking or forming bubbles. It turned out being 2 loose bolts leaving the head looking like it was wet all the time so I tightened them up. But its something the mechanic didnt notice I guess? . Im also now starting to hear the engine knock. Which neighbor also pointed out to me. Now with all that being said; the engine runs smooth. I can almost feel a difference in "power" compared to the old engine. Its also almost a turn-key engine in starting the car up. Its just these 2 issues that have me scratching my head. I know its just a trail in this journey of trying to drive this old car. Anyways heres a video of the original cracked engine
  15. FINALLY GOT REPLACEMENT ENGINE! ? It was the engine from Alabama. Paid $400 for it. Had a guy from the HAMB from Alabama drive out 15 mins to check out the engine for me. Mailed a money order to seller. Then seller offered to bring out engine on his truck to me for cheaper than I could find using freight. $350. Thank you to everyone who helped me out by answering my questions since this was my first time trying to source an engine for my Coronet. Now apparently guy from HAMB who drove out to check out the engine for me claims that there is a tag on the bottom of engine that indicates this was a rebuilt engine. He said it turns over smoothly (as I tried myself once recieved). I will having a mechanic install engine for me but what should I also have the mechanic do on engine before installing? Im just trying to be able to cruise and not trying to build a show car so do not have a big budget for a complete teardown.
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