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J.R. last won the day on November 2 2015

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About J.R.

  • Birthday 12/29/1978

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Old cars and bikes!
  • My Project Cars
    Chopped 50 Chrysler, built slant 6, 4 speed, S10 subframe.

    50 Ford 4 door, 302/AOD, Holley 2300 sniper fuel injection.
    66 dart slant 6 daily driver
    Dragmaster Dart Six restoration


  • Location
  • Interests
    Cars, welding

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  1. Same truck when I was done. I also molded in a 59 oldsmobile gauge cluster to the factory dash.
  2. Choke wasn't hooked up at all because I wasn't going to keep that carb anyways. Nothing confusing about mopars stock charging/ignition systems. They are just crap and have too many things cluttering up the engine bay. There is a reason they make hei distributors for everything under the sun.
  3. It was just holding the choke open because the choke wasn't hooked up. I later swapped carbs. I also rewired everything under the hood to get rid of the previous owners rat nest and also because mopar ignition and charging systems are total crap.
  4. Ha, that's my old truck. That video was right after I got it home and swapped engines. I later swapped in another slant and od 4 speed, painted it a cream white with a gold flake roof. I dailt drove it for about 5 years, got bored with it and sold it to my buddy who small blocked it and is still rolling it.
  5. Trying to add more picturesbut the upload limit isn't letting me and photobucket shooting themselves in the foot kind of screwed everything up...
  6. Been a while, quick catch up.... Decided to subframe the chopped 50 with an 88 S10 clip then stopped talking to the chopped 50 for a bit, bought a 73 bug, sold the bug, bought a pretty much stock non running 50 Windsor Newport, put a 66 slant 6 twist linkage carb on it 5 mins after we unloaded it and it fired right up. Adjusted the valves, re built the brakes and traded it for an 81ram swb with a slant 6 and od 4 speed. This truck is now my daily driver. In this time I also swapped the t350 for a 700r4 in my 79 g10 van and installed rear disk brakes and spent some time in the shithole known as Port Arthur Texas welding on a fuel barge. I am now back on talking to the chopped 50 again and pulled the body off the frame and started prepping it for the 4 link and hydraulic suspension (front, back and pancake. Not building a hopper). The body had to come off so I could replace the flattened body mounts so the body would be at the right height so the front sheetmetal would line up so I can build a new core support so I can mount the radiator so I can mount the engine and notch the firewall. It's all easier than it sounds but things like work and remodeling the back yard so we can sell the house and move to Arizona in 5 years are getting in the way...
  7. Sold one of the boats, still working on the chopped 50 Chrysler with the S10 subframe that's getting the built slant six and 4 speed. Trying to decide on a stout rear end that will hold up to some severe abuse. Getting ready to either use the Art Morrison back half I have or just 4 link the stock frame before I run the hydraulics.
  8. Kind of hoping that someone has a stock rear laying around that they could measure. Like an idiot I sold the 2 stock rears I had along with the 50 Newport I just got rid of.
  9. I've seen that one but like you said, Im not sure if they are the same.
  10. Yes, the flat surface that the wheel rests on.
  11. What is the exact measurement of the wheel mount surface to wheel mount surface on a 50 Chrysler rear end?
  12. Any pics of your install? I'm looking for ideas for my 50 Chrysler.
  13. NICE!!! Here's my chopped 50 Chrysler.
  14. Got an email from Scarebird today with the install sheet for a 50 Chrysler attached...
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